Agricultural biotechnology in the developing world

Table of contents



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 1995

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

ISBN 92-5-103626-8

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© FAO 1995


Biotechnology in agriculture, forestry and fisheries - FAO policy and strategy

Developments in biotechnology
Applications, impact and potential
Issues and concerns in biotechnology with special reference to developing countries
FAO's policies and strategies
Concluding remarks

Biotechnology in the CGIAR system

Goals and strategies of CGIAR
The role of IARCs in advanced research networks
Current and future policy considerations
Future outlook

Biotechnology in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Africa

State of biotechnology in the region
Biotechnology in livestock and fisheries development
Biotechnology in selected African countries
Future prospects and strategies

Agricultural biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific region

Biotechnology in crop improvement and production
Biotechnology in animal health and production
Biotechnology in fisheries and aquaculture
Biotechnology in forestry
Policy and institutional arrangements for agricultural biotechnologies in the region
Commercialization and role of the private sector
Regional and international biotechnology programmes in the region
Prospects of agricultural biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific region

Current status and future prospects of modern biotechnologies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Applications of modern biotechnologies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Analysis of biotechnologies in Latin America and the Caribbean
The application of biotechnologies for livestock production
The technical cooperation network on plant biotechnology (REDBIO)
Biotechnology research and development in the private sector
Biosafety issues in Latin America
Code of conduct for plant biotechnology
UNCED: biodiversity and biotechnology
Final considerations

Status and prospects of biotechnology in the Near East and North Africa

Major trends and prospects of biotechnology applications
Status of biotechnology in selected countries
Activities in ICARDA for the application of plant biotechnology
Potential and limitations of appropriate biotechnologies for the Near East region
Strategies for biotechnology development main challenges
FAO's programme on plant biotechnology