Good Agricultural Practices for Family Agriculture

Project TCP/3101/COL – UTF/COL/027/COL

“Good Agricultural Practices
for Family Agriculture”

Departmental Program on Food and Nutritional Security
Antioquia, Colombia

Full pdf - 1,1Mb

    FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Rome, 2007

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Table of contents

Part I   [307Kb]


Part II   [980Kb]

    I. What are good agricultural practices?
    II. Why should I use good agricultural practices?
    III. How should good agricultural practices be implemented?
    1. How can working conditions be improved and those of male and female workers?
    2. GAP in crops

Part III   [1,039Kb]

    III. How should good agricultural practices be implemented? (cont'd)
    3. How must the soil be prepared?
    4. How can crops be handled?
    5. How can water be used and managed?

Part IV   [966Kb]

    III. How should good agricultural practices be implemented? (cont'd)
    6. How must agro-chemicals be used?
    7. What fertilizer should I use and in what quantity?
    8. How should organic manure be used?

Part V   [1,100Kb]

    III. How should good agricultural practices be implemented? (cont'd)
    9. Animals in the field.
    10. Which is the best way of harvesting?
    11. How must the transport of food be done?
    12. What must be taken into account at the moment of selling the product?
    13. What information must I register to have a better control of production?
    14. How does the buyer know that my product was processed with GAPs?

© FAO 2007