FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 506 Options to mitigate bottom by John Willy Valdemarsen Terje Jørgensen Arill Engås Institute of Marine Research Bergen, Norway |
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© FAO 2007
Valdemarsen, J.W.; Jørgensen, T.; Engås, A. Options to mitigate bottom habitat impact of dragged gears. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 506. Rome, FAO. 2007. 29p. Abstract Bottom trawling is a diversified fishing method which uses numerous types of gear
designs, sizes, rigging and operational methods. Therefore, impact on the bottom
habitat will differ among the various bottom trawl fisheries and also to a large extent
depend on the bottom conditions in the area fished. During bottom trawling the
primary function of the forward parts of the trawl is to maintain bottom contact,
provide spread and herd the target species. These parts are the trawl doors, sweeps
and bridles, and are essential for proper gear performance and capture efficiency.
This document describes the basic principles that can be used to reduce the
impact of trawling, some of which are already developed as practical solutions and
implemented in commercial fisheries. Overall, however, there are presently few
examples of low bottom impact trawl gears in use in commercial fisheries. These
basic mitigation measures aim at reducing pressure on the bottom of various trawl
components and minimizing the impacted area while trawling. |