Green jobsUnasylva No. 233
Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board:
F. Castañeda, T. Hofer, D. Kneeland, A. Perlis, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo
Regional Advisers:
F. Bojang, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, P. Koné, K. Prins
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(Download complete version- 3 MB )
Editorial (Download- 99 KB)
C.T.S. Nair and R. Rutt
Creating forestry jobs to boost the economy and build a green future (Download- 721 KB)
T. Presas
Financial meltdown and the future of the forest products industry (Download- 282 KB)
R. Taylor
Crisis in the wood products industry and markets: perspectives from North America (Download- 840 KB)
A.R. Kimbell and H. Brown
Restoring hope: the United States Forest Service’s economic recovery programme (Download- 552 KB)
I. Tomaselli
How forest plantations can contribute to economic renewal in South America (Download- 673 KB)
J.R. Matta
Rebuilding rural India: potential for further investments in forestry and green jobs (Download- 483 KB)
J.L. Atienza, Jr
The Philippines’ Upland Development Program: cushioning the impacts of global financial crisis and climate change through green jobs (Download- 246 KB)
Q. Ma, J. Liu and W. Du
How Chinese forestry is coping with the challenges of global economic downturn (Download- 506 KB)
J.C. Tieguhong, O. Ndoye, P. Vantomme, J. Zwolinski and J. Masuch
Coping with crisis in Central Africa: enhanced role for non-wood forest products (Download- 526 KB)
R.N. Heath and S. Chipeta
Global economic crisis and long-term development: a view from the South African forestry sector (Download- 195 KB)
FAO Forestry (Download- 702 KB)
World of Forestry (Download- 464 KB)
Books (Download- 304 KB)