Arnoldo Contreras-Hermosilla
FAO Consultant
Forestry Policy and Planning Division, Rome
July 1999
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This document has been commissioned as part of the Forest Policy Implementation Review and Strategy Development process and is being circulated to encourage thought and discussion within the framework of the ongoing Forest Policy Implementation Review and Strategy. It is not a publication of the World Bank Group and the views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank Group.
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© FAO 1999
2 What is Sustainable Forest Management?
2.2 How can different objectives be balanced against one another?
2.3 Uncertainty and intergenerational issues
2.4 The spatial and temporal dimensions of sustainable forest management
2.5 Synthesis: the current level of understanding about sustainable forest management
3 The Technical Feasibility of sustainable forest management
3.5 Synthesis: a summary of the experience with sustainable forest management in all types of forest
4 The Financial and Institutional Feasibility of sustainable Forest Management
4.1 What are the commercial returns to sustainable forest management?
4.2 The problem of market failure
4.3 Institutional challenges to the implementation of sustainable forest management
5 Approaches to international aid