Integrated soil and water management for orchard development FAO Land and Water Bulletin - 10
Integrated soil and water management for orchard development

Role and importance


Rome, 2005

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Part I (899 KB)

Proceedings of the International Seminar “The role and importance of integrated soil and water management for orchard development”

Papers presented at the seminar
Papers submitted to the seminar
Executive summary
Part II (577 KB)
Importance of olive-oil production in Italy
Extension, consumption and exportation
Geographical and environmental distribution
The role and importance of integrated soil and water management
Soil and water management in vineyards
Soil and water management in olive orchards
Comparative assessment of practices and their effects using a soil visual assessment
Soil and water management for olive orchards in Portugal
Soil-moisture regime in dryland vineyards of Catalunya (Spain)

Part III (376 KB)
Precision management in viticulture – an overview of an Australian integrated approach

Part IV (684 KB)

Irrigation-management decision system (IMDS) for vineyards (Regions VI and VII of Chile)
Effects of soil management on soil physical properties and infiltration in olive orchards
A systems approach for orchard management using simulation models
Part V (416 KB)
Strategies to sustain productivity in the northwest of the Syrian Arab Republic
Chemical and microbiological characterization of olive-mill wastebased substrata
Part VI (616 KB)
Models of olive culture in suitable areas
Grass swarding of a non-irrigated hillside vineyard
Whole-plant gas-exchange measurements in grapevine
Relationship between water availability and viticultural performance
Foliar fertilization on olive-growing – southern Italy