RAP PUBLICATION 2009/04 Asia-Pacific Forestry Week A summary of events of the first Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 21-26 April 2008 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Bangkok, 2009 |
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Cover design: Chanida Chavanich
Photo credits: Session plates, FAO
For copies write to:
Patrick B. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200
E-mail: [email protected]
Printed and published in Bangkok, Thailand
Photo contest winning photograph
"My forest, My Home"
Eko Bambang Subiantoro 2008
H.E. Cao Duc Phat,Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Viet Nam
People, forests and human well-being: managing forests for people in a period of rapid change
Timber trade, forest law compliance and governance
The twenty-second session Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission
The Pacific regional workshop: “Global Forest Resources Assessment - FRA 2010”
The workshop: “Facilitating and promoting national forest programmes in Asia-Pacific region”
The INBAR workshop: “The potential of bamboo in the CDM”
The workshop: “REDD: a steep learning curve notes from a session”
The meeting: “Proposed Asia-Pacific universities forest education network”
The workshop: “Protected areas, equity and livelihoods (PAEL)”
The workshop: “Towards responsible management of planted forests in the Asia-Pacific region”
The workshop: “Disseminating scientific information for policy and management”
The seminar: “Poverty reduction through forestry-related activities in Asia”
Nguyen Ngoc Binh, Director General, Department of Forestry
Jan Heino, Assistant Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forests: thrillers, martyrs, and healers
Photo contest winner:
Eko Bambang Subiantoro (Indonesia),
with Patrick Durst, Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission Secretary