The community's toolbox: The idea, methods and tools for participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation in community forestry
Community Forestry Field Manual 2
Prepared by: D'Arcy Davis Case
Illustrated by: Tony Grove
Design and Layout by: Carmen Apted
Printed by: FAO Regional Wood Energy Development
Programme in Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 1990
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© FAO 1990
Chapter One : Getting the idea
1. Changes in community forestry.
2. What is PAME?
3. The principles of PAME.
4. The benefits of PAME.
5. Where will PAME work ?
6. When can PAME begin ?
7. Changing ideas about community development.
8. PAME builds on two-way communication.
Chapter two: Participatory assessment
1. What is participatory assessment?
2. Benefits of participatory assessment.
3. Steps to participatory assessment.Chapter three: Participatory assessment
1. What is a participatory baseline?
2. The benefits of participatory baselines.
3. Steps to participatory baselines.Chapter four: Participatory monitoring
1. What is participatory monitoring?
2. The benefits of participatory monitoring.
3. Monitoring people's participation.
4. Steps to participatory monitoring.Chapter five: Participatory evaluation
1. What is participatory evaluation?
2. The benefits of participatory evaluation.
3. Steps to participatory evaluation.Chapter six: Information analysis
Chapter seven: Presentation of results
1. The importance of presenting results.
2. Who will receive the results?
3. When and where are the results needed?
4. How will results be presented?
5. Some guidelines for presentation of results.
6. Written presentation of results.
7. Visual presentation of results.
8. Oral presentation of results.
Chapter eight: The tools and how to use them
1. Some guidelines for choosing the most appropriate tool for a community.
2. An overview of the tools.
3. Sampling methods.
4. Sample size
Tool 1: Group meetings
Tool 2: Drawing and discussion
Tool 3: Murals and posters
Tool 4: Flannel boards
Tool 5: Open-ended stories
Tool 6: Unserialized posters
Tool 7: Community case studies
Tool 8: Historical mapping
Tool 9: Semi-structured interviews
Tool 10: Ranking, rating and sorting
Tool 11: Community environmental assessment
Tool 12: Survival surveys
Tool 13: Participatory action research
Tool 14: Maps and mapping
Tool 15: Farmer's own records
Tool 16: Nursery record book
Tool 17: Community financial accounts
Tool 18: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and limitations (S.W.O.L.) analysis
Tool 19: Popular theatre
Tool 20: Puppet theatre
Tool 21: Community directed visual images
Tool 22: Community directed tape recordings
Tool 23: Community directed videos