PC 83/8
Eighty-third Session |
Rome, 8 - 12 May 2000 |
Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations |
1. As is now standing practice, this Progress Report is submitted in tabular format. The table provides a status report on Programme Committee items for which specific follow-up action was requested by the Committee, or jointly with the Finance Committee.
2. The Committee is invited to note this Progress Report.
Schedule of the Programme Committee and Joint Meeting Recommendations and Status of Follow-up Action |
Reference |
Recommendation |
Status |
CL 117/2 para. 18 |
Strategic Framework The Committees reaffirmed the need for a summary version of this document in order to facilitate the dissemination of its key messages to broader audiences. |
The Thirtieth Conference approved the production of a Summary which is currently under preparation and is expected to be published before the Eighty-third Session of the Programme Committee. |
CL 117/3 paras. 54 and 62 |
Programme Evaluation Report (PER) 2001 and Consideration of
Evaluation Subjects for 2000-2001 Drawing from the list of PER subjects to be covered in para. 54 of CL117/3, the Committee agreed to consider at its Eighty-third Session the evaluation of Programme 2.2.4, Agriculture, Food Security and Trade Policy and one of the two proposed subjects on the Field Programme. |
The reports dealing with Programme 2.2.4 (PC 83/4a) and the Field Programme evaluation, A Synthesis of Recent Field Programme Evaluations (PC 83/4b) have been submitted to the Eighty-third Session of the Programme Committee. |
CL 117/3 para. 62 |
The Thematic Evaluation of the APO Scheme The Committee requested this report be submitted as information at its Eighty-third Session. |
This report will be submitted at the Eighty-fourth Session of the Programme Committee. |
CL 117/3 para. 55 |
Possible Future Programme Evaluations The Committee indicated its interest in the evaluation of the following programmes:
These subjects will be considered for future programme evaluation reports. |
CL 116/14 para. 77 |
JIU Reports The Committee requested that an information note on the fellowships programme, including a disaggregation by gender, be submitted to its next session. |
This information note is submitted to the Eighty-third Session of the Programme Committee (PC 83/INF/3). |
CL 116/14 paras. 80-81 and CL 117/3 para. 60 |
Review of Working Methods of the Programme Committee It was requested that the Secretariat;
CL 116/4 para. 30 and CL 117/2 para. 33 |
Savings and Efficiencies in Governance The Committees requested the Secretariat to prepare for presentation to the November 2000 Council Session a document explaining the implications of setting aside half a day as early as possible in the Conference for Ministers to discuss a subject of common interest, in place of the General Debate in Plenary on that day only. |
This item will be considered at the Joint Meeting of the Eighty-fourth Session of the Programme Committee and the Ninety-fifth Session of the Finance Committee. |
CL 117/3 para. 44 |
Mainstreaming Gender The Committee stressed that gender mainstreaming should be firmly entrenched in programme planning of all units in the Organization and that future PIRs and PERs should provide adequate coverage of gender mainstreaming under each programme reviewed. |
The medium-term planning process underway, includes a specially designed coding system relating to gender mainstreaming in programmes. This will also assist in the development of a new Plan of Action relating to gender, as requested by the Thirtieth Conference, and facilitate consistent coverage of gender aspects in key FAO programme documents. |