Report of Joint FAO/MOAC Detailed Technical Damages and Needs Assessment Mission in Fisheries and Agriculture Sectors in Tsunami Affected Six Provinces in Thailand 11-24 January 2005 |
1.1 Background
1.2 The tsunamis impact in Thailand
1.3 The joint FAO/MOAC detailed technical damage and needs assessment mission
2. General overview of pre-tsunami state in affected provinces
3.1 Livelihoods of coastal communities
3.2 Coastal fishery
3.3 Coastal aquaculture
3.4 Agriculture
3.5 Livestock
3.6 Mangrove and other coastal forests
4. Emergency needs in six affected provinces (6 to 12 months)
4.1 Livelihoods of coastal communities
4.2 Coastal fishery
4.3 Coastal aquaculture
4.4 Agriculture/livestock
4.5 Mangrove and other coastal forests
5. Medium- and long-term rehabilitation needs (1 to 5 years)
5.1 Livelihoods of coastal communities
5.2 Coastal fishery and aquaculture
5.3 Agriculture / Livestock
5.4 Mangrove and other coastal forests
6. Government emergency assistance and rehabilitation plan and strategy
6.1 Government plan, strategy and priority to address emergency needs
a. Coastal fishery
b. Coastal aquaculture
c. Agriculture/livestock
d. Mangrove and other coastal forests6.2 Government rehabilitation programme
a. Livelihoods Rehabilitation
b. Coastal and Fisheries Resources Rehabilitation
c. Agriculture/livestock
d. Mangrove and other coastal forests6.3 Governments institutional arrangement to deliver emergency programme
a. Selection criteria of beneficiaries who receive compensation
b. Delivery mechanism
c. Role of concerned government agencies/local authorities
7. On-going and planned assistance
a. Joint Sub-Committee on Post Tsunami Rehabilitation
b. Task Force I
c. Task Force II
d. Task Force III7.2 On-going and planned assistance provided by other partners/donors
a. Coastal fishery/aquaculture
b. Agriculture
c. Livestock
d. Mangrove and other coastal forests
e. Livelihoods support
8. Potential areas for cooperation and partnership
8.1 Short, medium and long-term interventions
a. Fishery/aquaculture
b. Agriculture/livestock
c. Mangrove and other coastal forests
d. Livelihoods support
9. Project proposals (summary)
9.1 Emergency/short-term projects (to be completed by December 2005)
a. Emergency supply of fisheries and agricultural inputs to tsunami-affected fisher folk and farmers
b. In-depth assessment of mangroves and other coastal forests affected by the tsunami in southern Thailand9.2 Medium- and long-term rehabilitation projects
a. Study on the long-term impact of the tsunami on economically important species of marine animals
b. Reclamation of salt affected soils after the tsunami
c. Policy advice and institutional settings to establish a buffer zone along the coastal areas with tree planting
d. Responsive assistance on the rehabilitation of natural resources and environmental damages in the affected areas
e. Community-based livelihoods rehabilitation and natural resource management in coastal fishing communities
f. Promotion of vegetable cultivation in the tsunami-affected areas
Annex 1: Member of Joint FAO/MOAC Mission Team
Annex 2: Terms of Reference (Fisheries)
Annex 3: List of persons met and mission team
Annex 7: Proeject Profile: Reclamation of salt affected soils
Annex 11: Project Profile: Training, material, and facilities required for vegetable growing
Annex 13: Report on damages to fisheries/aquaculture sector at provincial and district levels
Annex 14: FAO Guideline A Framework for Reclamation Action Plan for Affected Soils