Luca Garibaldi
Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit
FAO Fishery Department
Luca Limongelli
FAO Consultant
Rome, 2003
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ISBN 92-5-104893-2
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© FAO 2003
Trends in oceanic captures: an analysis of 50 years data by FAO fishing areas
1.1 Physical environment
1.2 Biological resources and their exploitation2. CAPTURE TRENDS OF OCEANIC SPECIES
2.1 Species selected from the FAO capture database
2.2 Global trend2.3 Capture trends by FAO fishing area
2.3.1 Northwest Atlantic (FAO Area 21)
2.3.2 Northeast Atlantic (FAO Area 27)
2.3.3 Western Central Atlantic (FAO Area 31)
2.3.4 Eastern Central Atlantic (FAO Area 34)
2.3.5 Mediterranean and Black Sea (FAO Area 37)
2.3.6 Southwest Atlantic (FAO Area 41)
2.3.7 Southeast Atlantic (FAO Area 47)
2.3.8 Western Indian Ocean (FAO Area 51)
2.3.9 Eastern Indian Ocean (FAO Area 57)
2.3.10 Northwest Pacific (FAO Area 61)
2.3.11 Northeast Pacific (FAO Area 67)
2.3.12 Western Central Pacific (FAO Area 71)
2.3.13 Eastern Central Pacific (FAO Area 77)
2.3.14 Southwest Pacific (FAO Area 81)
2.3.15 Southeast Pacific (FAO Area 87)
2.3.16 Arctic (FAO Area 18) and Antarctic areas (FAO Areas 48, 58, 88)
Clustering Large Marine Ecosystems by capture data
2.1 Re-arrangement of FAO capture statistics by LME and grouping of species items
3.1.1 Cluster 1
3.1.2 Cluster 2
3.1.3 Cluster 3
3.1.4 Cluster 4
3.1.5 Cluster 5
3.1.6 Cluster 6
3.1.7 Cluster 7
3.1.8 Cluster 8
3.1.9 Cluster 9
3.1.10 Cluster 10
3.1.11 Cluster 114. CONCLUSION
APPENDIX 1. - Additional sources
APPENDIX 2. - Capture trends (1990-1999) of each LME by cluster
APPENDIX 3. - Map of the 50 LMEs