Stoves for Space Heating and CookingRWEDP Report No.28, April 1997This is the report on the Regional Workshop on Stoves Used for Space Heating and Cooking at Different Altitudes and/by Ethnic Groups. Stoves serve a range of different purposes. The most common is cooking but in some areas, particularly where the temperature is low, stoves are also used for space heating. Although climatic conditions are a key factor, other influences such as differences between ethnic groups and relative wealth may also play a role. The workshop was co-organized with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) based in Kathmandu, Nepal, which provided a forum for the pooling of information, exchange of experiences and achievements of programmes and persons in the region. Discussions held during the workshop concerned: A framework for Policy Formulation; Strategies for Technology Transfer and; Action Plans for Follow-up Activities and Programme Implementation. Summaries of a total of 24 country presentations and resource persons are included in the report in addition to the conclusions and recommendations, which focused on integrating different disciplines to address aspects like health and gender.
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