Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting on Management of Deepwater Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean

FAO Fisheries Report No. 652
ISSN 0429-9337

Swakopmund, Namibia 30 May - 1 June 2001


Rome, 2001

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Preparation of this Document

Opening of the Meeting, Election of the Chairman and Rapporteur, Adoption of Agenda and Arrangements for the Meeting

Objectives and Anticipated Work of the Meeting

Treatment and Confidentiality of Catch and Effort Data Provided to Ad Hoc Technical Meetings

Documentation of Fishing Areas and Evaluation of Management Areas; Fishing Methods and Species Taken

Documentation of Past Fishing Effort by Species, Region/Area/ etc. and Past or Current Deep-Sea Research/Management Activities

Proposals for Future Activities

Meeting Conclusions and Recommendations to Governments

Other Agenda Items

Another Meeting?

Closure of Meeting

Appendix I - Meeting Agenda

Appendix II - List of Participants

Appendix III - Meeting Documents

Meeting Document 01/3: Communication from Norway
Meeting Document 01/4 Ukrainian Participation to SWIOFC
Meeting Document 01/5: Ukrainian Position on the South Indian Ocean Fisheries Organisation (SIOFO)
Meeting Document 01/6 Rev. 1: Treatment of Fisheries Data Made Available to the Ad Hoc Meeting on Management of Deepwater Fisheries of the Southern Indian Ocean
Meeting Document 01/7: Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data
Meeting Document 01/8: Communication from Mauritius
Meeting Document 01/9: CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme
Meeting Document 01/10 Rev. 1: List of Meeting Documents Prepared Prior to the Meeting
Meeting Document 01/11: List of Suggested Variables for Catch-per-Unit-Effort Analyses
Meeting Document 01/12: Summary of Spatial Modelling of Orange Roughy Distribution Being Carried Out by the Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Meeting Document 01/13: Data Forms Country Catches and Vessel Fish Catches
Meeting Document 01/14: Analysis of Indian Ocean Orange Roughy Otoliths
Meeting Document 01/15: Data Collection Forms for the Analysis of Commercial Vessel Activity
Meeting Document 01/16: Control of Namibian Vessels on the High Seas

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