SUCCESS STORIES from inside poverty's door - FAO/UE

from inside poverty's door

FAO and EU: Unlocking rural potential

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Rome, 2007

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Is the FAO-EU partnership successful? We let the farmers and fishers of the world speak for themselves ...

DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP/ When a project ignites profound change.
VEHARI, Pakistan – In the cotton-growing heart of the Indus Valley, Pakistani taxpayers are now financing what European Union taxpayers helped start – a movement to give farmers the skills and confidence to rein in indiscriminate and dangerous use of pesticides, while reducing their poverty at the same time.

NATURAL DISASTERS/After tsunami or flood, rebuilding quickly and better.
ACEH, Indonesia – When the 2004 tsunami crashed ashore, it destroyed not only lives but livelihoods, mostly in rice and cattle farming and in aquaculture. Two FAO-EU projects worth €7.3 million have supported more than 60 000 affected farmer and fisher families here and on nearby Nias Island.

PROTECTING EUROPE/Animal disease: Europe and FAO draw a line in the sand.
KIRKLARELLI, Turkey - In early 2006 a battle to save Europe from invasion was fought and won here, when Turkish authorities repulsed a deadly intruder from the east: a new strain of the virus that causes Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), a devastating sickness affecting cows, pigs, sheep and goats.

GETTING BACK TO WORK/Across Sudan, farm relief is only the first step.
BULBUL DALAL ALANGRA, Sudan - “I used to live in a village near here. We were attacked by janjaweed militia and lost everything. Thirty members of my extended family went to live in Kalma Camp in Nyala. But the rest of the family who were still here said to come back, so I did and started to farm again.”

HUNGER POLICY AND ACTION /Improving governments' anti-hunger programmes.
ROME , Italy – Governments in developing countries often request help in understanding the nature, causes and even the whereabouts of hunger in their territories, in order to implement comprehensive programmes to improve the situation. The European Union is providing such help through its €15 million EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme.

© FAO & EU 2008