Prepared by
V.N. Asopa
Indian Institute of Management and
G. Beye
Research and Technology Development Service Research, Extension and Training Division, FAO
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ISBN 92-5-104092-3
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© FAO 1997
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Module 2 - Session 1 - Principles of research planning
Session guide - Principles of research planning
Reading note - Long-term planning of a national agricultural research system in the third world: a new methodSummary
1. Difficulties faced by NARS1.1 Imbalances in the allocation of resources
1.2 Structural and functional deficiencies
1.3 Modest results compared to the resources involved2. Advantages and specific aspects of national LTPs
2.1 Need for a long-term strategy
2.2 Specific aspects of LTPs3. General presentation of the proposed procedure
3.1 Launching stage
3.2 Statement of the LTP strategic orientation framework
3.3 Development of LTP QTPPs
3.4 Completion of the LTP4. Determination of the level of long-term financial and human resources for the NARS
4.1 Determining the level of financial resources
4.2 Determining the level of human resources requirements5.1 General criteria for allocation of AR resources
5.2 Quantitative methods of resource allocation: content and limitations
5.3 A proposed method for allocation of resources
Module 2 - Session 2 - The institute-level planning process
Session Guide - The institute-level planning process
Hand-out 1 - A planning example
Module 2 - Session 3 - Setting goals and objectives
Session guide - Setting goals and objectives
Module 2 - Session 4 - From Objectives to an Operational Plan
Session Guide - From objectives to an operational plan
Module 2 - Session 5 - Participatory planning exercise
Session Guide - Participatory planning exercise
Module 2 - Session 6 - Case study: Planning agricultural research in Mughal Sultanate
Session Guide: Case study: planning agricultural research in Mughal sultanate (parts A and B)
Planning agricultural research in Mughal sultanate (case study, part A)Agriculture in Mughal sultanate
Agricultural research
The research and development project
Follow-up action
Case study - Part A - Appendix A1
Case study - Part A - Appendix A2
Case study - Part A - Appendix A3Planning agricultural research in Mughal sultanate (case study, part B)
In-house review
Formulation of projects
National workshop
Organizational changes
Institutionalization of research workshops
Research programme at NARA
Divergent opinions
Case study - Part B - Appendix B1
Case study - Part B - Appendix B2
Case Study - Part B - Appendix B3
Case study - Part B - Appendix B4