FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 43 - 1992/4
Editor: Stephen A. Dembner
Language Editor: Rachel Tucker
Layout Editor: Marina Criscuolo
Editorial Advisory Board
Forestry Department:
M.R. de Montalembert (Chairman),
M. Chipeta, S. Dembner R. Heinrich, M. Hoskins, M. Morell, M.K. Muthoo, C. Palmberg, H. Röbbel, E.H. Sène, N. Vergara
Publications Division: K. Richmond
(Editorial Branch)
Unasylva is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish editions. Subscription price: one year $20.00, payable to the Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, or to any of the FAO sales agents listed on the inside back cover.
Material not copyrighted may be reprinted with credit to Unasylva, FAO. Articles express the views of their authors, not necessarily those of FAO. Designations employed and presentation of material do not imply expression of any opinion on the part of FAO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The FAO publications reviewed in Unasylva may be ordered from any of the FAO sales agents listed on the inside back cover. The Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, will process orders from countries where there are no sales agents.
Credits: N. Dickinson/Environmental Picture Library (cover); F.F. Korten (page 3); Cultural Survival/P. Lerner (4); M. Poffenberger (5); Ndekete (6); WWF/M. Perl (7); L.J. Castaños (13-14-15-16-17-18-19); M. Maniates (21-2223-26); B. Cabarle (30-32-33); Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia (34, top); P. Koné (34, bottom); D. Roca (39); M.C. Comte (41); UN/I. Curtis (43); R. Faidutti (44-45); H.D. Tacio (51-54); FAO (68); W. Ciesla (69); Canadian Forest Service (70).
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Editorial - Non-governmental organizations and forestry
F.F Korten
and the forestry sector: an overview
M. Maniates
collaboration in rural resource management: India's improved cookstove programme
B. Cabarle
encounters? NGOs and the TFAP
A. Inglis
involvement in TFAP decision-making in donor countries: "practice what you preach"
P.J. Williams
women and forestry activities in Africa
H.D. Tacio
agricultural land technology: NGO-developed agroforestry technology in the Philippines
TR. Ramanathan
strengthening of local NGOs involved in forestry: a challenge for innovation
J.P. Lanly
issues at the United Nations conference on environment and development