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ISBN 978-92-5-105947-0
ISSN 1020-4873
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Key words: coastal aquaculture, environmental risk, assessment, communication, risk analysis, GESAMP. ABSTRACT This GESAMP study focuses on environmental risk assessment and communication in coastal aquaculture. To support effectively an open and transparent approach to sustainable resource use, risk assessment and communication must be able to fit within a broader social, economic and environmental decision-making framework. The communication aspects become paramount in enabling sustainable development in that type of decision-making environment. In today’s environmentally conscientious societies, no activity is truly sustainable without social licence. Scientific knowledge has to be developed, presented and communicated in a manner that fully acknowledges the extent and limits of our ability to predict the consequence of development. This applies at all scales, from development of a single aquaculture farm site to the development of a number of sites that may have a cumulative effect that cannot be predicted on the basis of the activities at a single site, and to the initiation of an entirely new industry. |
1.1 Coastal aquaculture in a global fisheries contextChapter 2 – Environmental interactions and impacts, (Download
1.2 The scope of the report
1.3 Literature cited
2.1 Environmental interactions and impacts of coastal aquacultureChapter 3 – Risk analysis (Download
2.2 Global experience of environmental management of aquaculture
2.3 Risk and uncertainty
2.4 A precautionary approach
2.5 Interpretation and application of the Precautionary Principle
2.6 Objectives for risk assessment and analysis
2.7 Literature cited
3.1 What is risk analysis?Chapter 4 – Risk analysis in practice for coastal aquaculture (Download
3.2 The structure of risk analysis
3.3 Risk communication
3.4 How can risk analysis contribute to the decision-making process
and sustainable development
3.5 The advantages of risk analysis over other decision-support frameworks
3.6 Literature cited
4.1 Overview of hazards and undesirable endpointsChapter 5 – Risk Communication
4.2 Hazard identification
4.3 Endpoints
4.4 Logic models
4.5 Risk assessment structure
4.6 Risk management and mitigation
4.7 Literature cited
4.8 Annex: Principles and checklist for environmental risk assessment
5.1 Introduction (Download: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4Chapter 6 – Case Studies372 kb)
5.2 Risk communication objectives
5.3 The need for better communication
5.4 Learning from past experience
5.5 Developing a Communication strategy (Download: 5.5 5.6450 kb)
5.6 The operational dimension of communication with participants and the media
5.7 Engagement and communication tools (Download: 5.7676 kb
669 kb)
5.8 Concluding remarks (Download: 5.8 5.9 5.1093 kb)
5.9 Literature cited
5.10 Annex: Principles and checklist for risk communication
6.1 Fish farming effects on benthic (Download:467 kb
765 kb
309 kb)
community changes due to sedimentation - K. Black and C. Cromey
6.2 Risk assessment of the potential decrease (Download:676 kb
669 kb)
of carrying capacity by shellfish farming - C. Bacher and E.A. Black
6.3 Risk analysis of the potential interbreeding of wild (Download590 kb)
and escaped farmed cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus) - I. M. Davies,
C. Greathead and E.A. Black
6.4 Risk analysis of the decline of (Download:454 kb
600 kb
403 kb)
laminariales due to fish farming waste - R. Petrell, P. Harisson and E.A. Black
6.5 Risk analysis of the soil salinisation due to low-salinity (Download682 kb)
shrimp farming in central plain of Thailand - Seng-Keh Teng
6.6 Risk analysis of coastal aquaculture: potential effects on (Download915 kb)
algal blooms - K. Yin, P. Harrisson and E.A. Black