14-17 May 2001
People’s Republic of China

Table of Contents

China's Citrus Production: Retrospect, Present Situations and Future Prospects
Liu Xinlu

Projections of World Production and Consumption of Citrus to 2010
Thomas H. Spreen

Marketing and Distribution for Citrus Fruit in China: Present Situation and Future Prospects
Qi Chunjie

Import and Export of China's Citrus Fruit and its Products: Current Situations and Future Prospects
Deng Xiuxin

China's Citrus and Trade: Observations and Issues
David Hanlon

Current Situation and Outlook of Citrus Processing Industry in China
Wu Houjiu

Current Status of Foreign Capital Utilization in China's Agriculture Secto and its Policy Orientation
Ma Yu

Citrus Juice Production and Fresh Market Extension Technologies
Teiko M. Johnson

Impact of Agricultural Support Policies and WTO on China's Citrus Industry
David Hanlon

Citrus Disease Control in Brazil
Antonio Juliano Ayres

The Free Trade Area of the Amercias and the Market for Processed Orange Products
Thomas H. Spreen

Mandarin-like Hybrids of Recent Interest for Fresh Consumption: Problems and Ways of Control
Antonino Nicotra

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues and the SPS Agreement
João Magalhães