Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries

EIFAC Occasional Paper No 46. SEC/EIFAC/OP46 (En)



Ankara, 2010

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ISBN 978-92-5-106636-2

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Parkkila, K.; Arlinghaus, R.; Artell, J.; Gentner, B.; Haider, W.; Aas, O.; Barton, D.; Roth, E.; and Sipponen, M.
Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries. EIFAC Occasional Paper No. 46. Ankara, FAO. 2010. 112p.

The EIFAC Methodologies for assessing socio-economic benefits of European inland recreational fisheries were prepared in 2009 by the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) Ad Hoc Working Party on Socio-Economic Aspects of Inland Fisheries. EIFAC considered that the implementation of fisheries policy and management would benefit from a more compatible, comparable and scientifically rigorous application of benefit evaluation methods. To reach this goal, the Working Party prepared guidelines to conduct surveys focusing on social and economic benefits of inland recreational fishing in EIFAC member countries. Due to institutional aspects and management traditions, these guidelines are confined to Europe. By means of this Occasional Paper, the Working Party tries to highlight both the methodological and practical viewpoints when assessing the monetary value of social net benefits or other societal benefits from recreational fishing. The purpose is to make societal and economic valuation more accessible and to give insight to best current practices and black spots related to these tools.


PART 1  (download - 924 kb)

1. Introduction

2. Social and economic approaches to benefits

2.1. A joint framework for the human dimensions and economic research paradigms
2.2 Benefits of fishing from the human dimensions (HD) perspective
2.3 Benefits of fishing from an economic perspective
2.4 An integrative framework joining the HD and economic approaches to fisheries benefits

3. Methods for assessment

3.1. Human dimensions methods for assessing benefits of inland fisheries approaches
3.2. Economic value: non-market and market valuation methods
3.3. Economic impact analysis
3.4. Market studies and resource rent

4. Sampling issues and survey implementation

4.1 Observational methods
4.2 Questionnaire surveys
4.3. Survey implementation

PART 2  (download - 755 kb)

5. Guidelines for assessing benefits

5.1. Suitability of different methods
5.2 Discussion

6. recommendations


List of abbreviations:



Appendix 1: Examples of used methodology associated to fishery and preservation of fish stocks in
the Nordic countries and the Central Europe

Appendix 2: Major steps when conducting a contingent valuation (CV) study

Appendix 3: Major steps when conducting a choice experiment (CE) study

Appendix 4: Major steps when conducting a travel cost (TC) study

Appendix 5: Table of total economic value (TEV) of recreational fishing in the Nordic countries.

Appendix 6: The Questionnaire used in the study “Economic value of recreational fishery in the
Nordic countries”