MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census<br>
Census design and implementation

MedFisis Technical Document

MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census
Census design and implementation

Salvatore Coppola
Alicia Mosteiro
Matthew Camilleri


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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011


Coppola, S.; Mosteiro, A. and Camilleri, M.
2011. MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census; Census design and implementation.
GCP/INT/918/EC/MedFisis - MedFisis Technical Document, 95 pp.

The MedFisis (Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System) regional project was set up in response to an increasing need to monitor fishing activities and provide fishery management systems in several GFCM (General Fishery Commission for the Mediterranean) countries. Specifically, there was an urgent need for a comprehensive fisheries statistics collection and analysis system.  From the outset of the project it was recognised that to be effective such a system must be designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders in the fishery involved, and that all resulting statistics must be reliable, timely and backed by relevant research. The project would involve a study of existing statistical and information systems in order to identify and upgrade areas requiring attention and/or optimisation. Moreover, all the work should be done by the national staff, limiting external aid to filling any gaps, and the system adopted should be as close as possible to existing working practices and conditions for the staff involved.

The solution produced by FAO staff was the modular MedStat system.  MedStat consists of a set of databases and associated statistical data collection and implementation methodologies, techniques, and procedures, including training modules and technical support covering a Fleet Census, a Catch and Effort Survey and other surveys. There are also tools to facilitate monitoring and other management issues.  Structurally, MedStat comprises a core system which includes the regional/national/local reference and codification system, and the national fishery control and monitoring system.

Considerable attention is paid to the structure and conduct of the census, and throughout MedFisis it is emphasised that accurate, reliable and exhaustive data collection is crucial to the output of the survey.  All aspects of census procedure are dealt with in detail including the preparation, quality control and the all-important questionnaire. A comprehensive MedFisis questionnaire is presented and explained, as is the association between the questionnaire and the data field descriptions and reference system.

There are a number of useful appendices which include a flow chart of a typical census survey and a list of references.


Preparation of this document

The problem

The solution


The strategic plan
Life history
The future perspective

The MedStat system


The system design
Functional components
Operational component
Materials and Methods
Software Technical specifications

The MedStat database


Top-down and bottom-up approaches
The database system for the Mediterranean
The core system
The database family
MedStat components
Some final considerations

The MedStat database


Top-down and bottom-up approaches
The database system for the Mediterranean
The core system
The database family
MedStat components
Some final considerations

The census


Census statistics
Census uses

Preparation of the census


Assessment of the current situation
Pre-assessment or reconnaissance survey
Dealing with the assessment
Statistical design
Data processing
Human resources
The evaluator

The quality check survey


The Coverage Quality Check Survey (CCS)
Checking the number of vessels and their distribution (coverage)
Checking the vessels’ characteristics (quality)
Checking the gear type

Output of the quality check survey

Preparation of the census survey


Planning the census survey
Designing the vessel census
Data structure

The questionnaire



Theory training
On-the-job training
The training programme
Specific training

The pilot survey

The field work

Expected outputs


Appendix 1:  Assessment case studies
Appendix 2:  QCS case study


Data structure of the Fishing Vessel Registry
Survey design
Survey implementation
Methodological processing
Register data check
Survey data check
Comparison of survey with registry data (QCS)

Appendix 3:  The census questionnaire
Appendix 4:  Data field descriptions
Appendix 5:  Summary of the reference system
Appendix 6:  Revision of the Reference System


Definition of Reference Tables
General Overview of the MedFisis reference tables
Types of tables
Modifications done
The importance of updating
The dynamic process of updating the References

Appendix 7:  Flow chart of pre-census assessment
Appendix 8:  Flow chart of census survey
Appendix 9:  Inventory of Artisanal Fisheries Communities in the Western and Central Mediterranean
Appendix 10: Port / Landing Place (Infrastructures) Questionnaire
Appendix 11:  Terms of reference for advisory services (evaluator)
Appendix 12:  Terms of reference for international consultants


Experts in census surveys
Experts in catch and effort surveys

Appendix 13:  Census check list
Appendix 14:  Dos and don’ts



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ISBN 978-92-5-107081-9

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