Forests, people and wildlife

Unasylva No. 236
Vol. 61, 2010/3

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2010

Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board:
T. Hofer, F. Kafeero, H. Ortiz Chour, A. Perlis, E. Rametsteiner, S. Rose, J. Tissari, P. van Lierop, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo
Regional Advisers:
F. Bojang, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, M. Saket

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Editorial (Download- 51 KB)

E. Kaeslin and D. Williamson
Forests, people and wildlife: challenges for a common future (Download- 264 KB)

S.H. Newman, J. Slingenbergh and J. Lubroth
One health – one destiny: appreciating the connectivity of health among ecosystems, wildlife, livestock and people (Download- 83 KB)

S. Le Bel, G. Mapuvire and R. Czudek
Human-Wildlife Conflict Toolkit: comprehensive solutions for farmers and communities (Download- 144 KB)

S. Nguiffo and M. Talla
Cameroon's wildlife legislation: local custom versus legal conception (Download- 206 KB)

P. Vantomme
Edible forest insects, an overlooked protein supply (Download- 150 KB)

E.K. Alieu
Building on local foundations: enhancing local community support for conservation (Download- 210 KB)

Raweee Thaworn, L. Kelley and Y. Yasmi
Can biodiversity conservation go hand in hand with local livelihoods? A case of conflict resolution in Thailand (Download- 227 KB)

T.B. Khatri
Conservation governance in Nepal: protecting forest biodiversity and people's livelihoods (Download- 272 KB)

M.A.I. de Koning
Returning Manyeleti Game Reserve to its rightful owners: land restitution in protected areas in Mpumalanga, South Africa (Download- 176 KB)

D. Elmer
Switzerland's Mountain Forest Project: bringing volunteers to work in the forest (Download- 157 KB)

A. Bien
Forest-based ecotourism in Costa Rica as a driver for positive social and environmental development (Download- 174 KB)

L. Schweitzer Meins
The view from above: canopy walks around the world (Download- 219 KB)

L. Miles and B. Dickson
REDD-plus and biodiversity: opportunities and challenges (Download- 207 KB)

P.S. Tong, M.S. Schmidt and S. Johnson
A collaborative programme for sustainable trade in tropical timber (Download- 136 KB)

FAO Forestry (Download- 137 KB)
World of Forestry (Download- 83 KB)
Books (Download- 115 KB)