Innovative policies and institutions to support agro-industries development


Innovative policies and institutions to
support agro-industries development

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Rome, 2011


Agro-industries are an important source of employment and income generation worldwide, occupying a dominant position in the manufacturing sector of the economy and representing a significant demand driver for agricultural products. As part of its mandate to provide food security for the world’s growing population, FAO promotes the development of agro-industries through its technical programs, including activities in the areas of policy advice, capacity building, advocacy, awareness raising and investment promotion. This book represents a contribution of FAO to broaden the understanding of approaches and mechanisms to foster the emergence and sustainability of agro-industries that are competitive and inclusive. With emphasis on experiences from the developing world, the book presents and discusses innovative policies and institutions that are supportive of agro-industries development.



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1.  Introduction: Innovative policies and institutions
     to support agro-industries development

2.  Business networks as innovative institutions to
     support the development of agro-industries

3.  Public–private partnerships for agribusiness
     development in Thailand and India:
     experiences, issues, and strategies

4.  Export support for El Salvador’s SMEs:
     Fusing technical capabilities with collective

5.  The emergence of SME agro-industry networks
     in the shadow of agribusiness contract farming:
     a case study from the south of Brazil

6.  Public–private partnerships for agro-industry
     development: sustainability options for fertilizer

7.  Agro-industrial investment promotion in Tunisia

8.  Policy reforms for agribusiness and rural
     development: The case of township and village
     enterprises in China
  pdf [1.5Mb]
9.  Institutional innovations and models in the
     development of agro-industries in India:
     Strengths, weaknesses and lessons

10. Linking farmers to market through processing:
     The role of agro-industry clusters with special
      reference to mango in south India

11. Process and product innovations in the cassava
      agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating
      effect of presidential initiatives

12. Transiting cassava into an urban food and
      industrial commodity through agro-processing
      and market driven approaches: Lessons from

13. Development and diffusion of vegetable post-
      harvest and processing technologies in the
      Greater Mekongsubregion of Asia

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