The State of Food and Agriculture 2012


for a better future

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Rome, 2012


Foreword   (Download pdf 1.2 Mb)
Abbreviations and acronyms
Executive Summary

PART I - Investing in agriculture for a better future

1. Introduction  (Download pdf 401 Kb)

    Who invests in agriculture?
    Why invest in agriculture?
    How to invest in agriculture for a better future?
    Structure of the report

2. Agricultural investment: patterns and trends (Download pdf 1,2 Mb)

    Basic concepts: investment versus expenditures and public versus private goods
    From concepts to measurement: making sense of the data
    Agricultural capital stock
    Foreign direct investment in agriculture
    Government expenditures on agriculture
    Public expenditures on agricultural research and development
    Official development assistance to agriculture
    Increasing investment in agriculture
    Key messages

3. Fostering farmers’ investment in agriculture (Download pdf 639 Kb)

    Creating a favourable climate for investment in agriculture
    Government policies and incentives to invest in agriculture
    Including environmental costs and benefits in incentives to invest
    Key messages

4. Promoting equitable and efficient private investment in agriculture (Download pdf 270 Kb)

    Addressing the constraints to smallholder investors
    Making large-scale agricultural investment smallholder-sensitive
    Key messages

5. Channelling public investment towards higher returns (Download pdf 377 Kb)

    Returns on public investment in and for agriculture
    Returns to expenditures on input subsidies
    Political economy of public investment in agriculture
    Planning public investment in agriculture
    Key messages

6. A policy framework for better investment in agriculture (Download pdf 40 Kb)

    Creating a conducive investment climate for private investment in agriculture: context matters
    Supporting the conducive investment climate through public investment
    Improving the policy and planning process for agricultural investment
    Key messages of the report

PART II - World food and agriculture in review: a focus on productivity (Download pdf 504 Kb)

    High real food prices
    Trends in agricultural production, consumption and trade
    Future prospects and challenges

PART III - Statistical annex (Download pdf 385 Kb)

    Notes on the Annex tables

    Table A1

    Economically active population in agriculture and agricultural share of total economically active population, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010

    Table A2

    Agricultural capital stock: total and per worker, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2007

    Table A3

    Average annual foreign direct investment inflows to agriculture, food, beverages and tobacco, and all sectors, 2005–06 and 2007–08

    Table A4

    Government expenditures: total spent on agriculture and agricultural share of total expenditures, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2007

    Table A5

    Government expenditures on agriculture: per agricultural worker and Agricultural Orientation Index, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2007

    Table A6

    Public expenditures on agricultural research and development: total and as a share of agricultural GDP, 1981, 1990, 2000 and latest year

    Table A7

    Official development assistance to agriculture and agricultural share of ODA to all sectors, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010

References (Download pdf  709 Kb)
Special chapters of The State of Food and Agriculture

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ISBN 978-92-5-107317-9

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