Interactive Mechanisms for Small-Scale Fisheries Management - Report of the Regional Consultation

Table of Contents

RAP Publication 2002/10

Bangkok, Thailand, 26-29 November 2001

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand

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Table of Contents

Preparation of this document

1. Executive Summary

2. Opening of the consultation

3. Objectives of the consultation

4. Presentations at the consultation

4.1 Regional papers

Purwito Martosubroto: Towards strengthening coastal fisheries management in South and Southeast Asia
Rebecca Metzner: Ecosystem-based management and small-scale fisheries: Thinking globally, acting locally
Heiko Seilert: Regional synthesis on the current status of small-scale fisheries management in Asia

4.2 Country papers

Ing Try, Sao Vansereyvuth and Thay Somony: Small-scale fisheries management in Cambodia
Sebastian Mathew: Small-scale fisheries management in India: need for a paradigm shift
Victor P. H. Nikijuluw: Small-scale fisheries management in Indonesia
Mohd Taupek Mohd Nasir: Co-management of small-scale fisheries in Malaysia
Hla Win and Khin Maung Aye: Small-scale fisheries in Myanmar
Jonathan O. Dickson: Current status of small-scale fisheries in the Philippines
Jate Pimoljinda: Small-scale fisheries management in Thailand
Nguyen Long: Small-scale fisheries management in Viet Nam

4.3 Experience papers

Wolf D. Hartmann: Interactive mechanisms in the management of reservoir fisheries in the Mekong basin: the MRF II experience
Patrick Evans: Community fisheries development on the tonle sap in Cambodia
Winfried Wiedemeyer: Small-scale fisheries management by Philippine line agencies and local government units: status and suggestions for improvement

5. Working session I: Identification of steps in decentralizing small-scale fisheries management

6. Working session II: Identification of areas/sectors and responsibilities involved in decentralized small-scale fisheries management

7. Working session III: Part One - Identification of constraints in implementing decentralized small-scale fisheries management

8. Working session III: Part Two - Identification of mechanisms or solutions to overcome the constraints in implementing decentralized small-scale fisheries management

9. Working session IV: Development of an interactive plan for the implementation of small-scale fisheries management

10. Working session V: Development of the monitoring and evaluation framework

11. Annexes

Annex 1: List of participants
Annex 2: Prospectus
Annex 3: Programme
Annex 4: List of documents
Annex 5: Welcome address by Torkul Kanchanalai, Vice Rector, Kasetsart University, Bangkok