Unasylva - No. 152 - Genetics and the forests of the future

Table of Contents

Vol. 38


An international journal of the forestry and food industries

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

SPECIAL FAO's Forestry Action Plan

Robert Wazeka
Consulting Editors
Fay Banana, Marcelle Biagini,
Griselda Gomez, Farhana Haque
Editorial Advisory Board
Forestry Department
J.E.M. Arnold (Chairman). B. Ben
Salem, C Chandrasekharan, A
Contreras M.R. de Montalembert, B.
Kyrklund. M K Muthoo, C Palmberg,
R.D. Pardo, R. Wazeka (Secretary)
Publications Division
K Richmond (Editorial Branch)

Unasylva is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish editions. Subscription price: one year, $12.00 payable to the Distribution and Sales Section. FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, or to any of the FAO sales agents listed on the inside back cover.

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Cover: Mirek

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome

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Table of Contents

Editorial - Genetics and the forests of the future

Gene Namkoong
Genetics and the forests of the future

FAO Forestry Department
Are eucalypts ecologically harmful?

Samia Al Azharia Jahn, Hassan A. Musnad and Heinz Burgstaller
The tree that purifies water: Cultivating multipurpose Moringaceae in the Sudan

G.D. Piearce
How to save the Zambezi teak forests

FAO Forestry Department
FAO's tropical forestry - Action plan

An interview with J.L. Maskey and V.B. Shrestha
Nepal: On the road to reforestation

The world of forestry

World forestry in 1984: US$270000 million
Planting old trees in Jakarta
The kebun: Garden-forests of Indonesia
Pulp and paper growth in 1984
New Kenyan forestry newsletter
Low-grade hardwoods in US packaging
The ancient forests of reunion
Pampas grass a threat to forestry?
Growth in US Christmas tree harvest
Training course in ergonomics
Building low-cost wooden houses


A guide to loading logs
Agroforestry bibliography
Planning forestation
A computer model of global forestry
How forests interact
New Sahel bibliography
How to log in high country
Forest management in Côte d'Ivoire


Eastern African marine pollution agreement
European action on air pollution
Cheetahs need genetic diversity
World water shortage
Polymers condition desert soils
New national parks in Uganda
Broadening the purpose of botanical gardens

To the editor

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