Havana, Cuba, 22 to 26 April 2002


Table of Contents

I. Introduction

1.  FAO decided to set up a "Commission on Livestock Development for Latin America and the Caribbean" in recognition of the serious limitations on livestock development in Latin America and the Caribbean that had been indicated at the FAO Regional Conference in Barbados in 1986 and reported by the Expert Consultation on Livestock Development Policy in Brazil in 1987.

2. The Commission was charged with the following functions:

3. The Commission on Livestock Development for Latin America and the Caribbean meets every two years, as set out in its constitution, and initially one single meeting was held for all 24 member countries. However, at the meetings held in Turrialba, Costa Rica, and in Santiago, Chile, in 1998, the participating countries called for separate meetings for each subregion on account of their differing livestock conditions and problems. Reflecting this request, three subregional meetings of the Commission on Livestock Development were held in 2001, each preceded by an Expert Consultation on the Status and Outlook of the Livestock Sector of the subregion in question.

4. The first Expert Consultation and component of the Seventh Session of the Commission on Livestock Development were held in Panama City on 19 and 20 November 2001, with the participation of Mexico and the countries of Central America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. The second was held in Lima on 22 and 23 November 2001 for the Andean countries, while the third was held in Montevideo on 26 and 27 November 2001 for the countries of Mercosur and Chile.

5. The three subregional meetings adopted the same agenda. The expert consultation reviewed regional trends in the livestock sector and the findings of a regional study, while the delegates reported on the livestock situation in their respective countries. The Seventh Session of the Commission on Livestock Development heard presentations on general activities conducted by FAO and more specific activities carried out by its Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLC), Animal Production and Health Division (AGA), and Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch (AGAL), before going on to examine and discuss its conclusions and recommendations that were unanimously approved by members in the three subregional meetings.

II. Conclusions and recommendations of the Seventh Session of the Commission on Livestock Development

A. Subregional meeting for the countries of Central America, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, Panama City, 19 and 20 November 2001

Regional strengths

Common problems

Poultry/pig sector (poultry meat, pigmeat, eggs)

Bovine sector (meat and milk)

Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to Governments

Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to FAO

B. Subregional meeting for the Andean countries,
Lima, 22 and 23 November 2001

Regional strengths

Common problems

Sector as a whole

Poultry/pig sector (poultry meat, pigmeat, eggs)

Bovine sector (meat and milk)

Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to Governments

Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to FAO

C. Subregional meeting for the countries of the Southern Cone and Chile, Montevideo, 26 and 27 November 2001

Regional strengths

Common problems

Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to Governments

Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to FAO

D. Shared Conclusions and Recommendations

All three meetings agreed on the following:

a) Regional strengths:

b)  Common problems: c)  Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to Governments: d)  Recommendations of the Commission on Livestock Development to FAO: