FAO Agriculture Series |
No. 26 |
ISSN 0081-4539 |
Rome, 1993
In many areas of the world, growing water scarcity and the misuse of freshwater pose serious threats to sustainable development. With more than two-thirds of the water withdrawn from the earth's rivers, lakes and aquifers being used for irrigation, agriculture is increasingly seen as the system's safety valve.
This year's special chapter, Water polices and agriculture, examines the policy implications of increasing competition, conflicts, shortages, waste, overuse and degradation of water resources. It goes on to assess the various water policy options open to agricultural policy-makers.
The statistical material in this publication has been prepared from the information available to FAO up to August 1993
The designations employed and the presentation do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries In some tables, the designations "developed" and "developing" economies are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process.
David Lubin Memorial Library
Cataloguing in Publication Data
FAO, Rome (Italy)
The state of food and agriculture 1993.
(FAO Agriculture Series, no 26)
ISBN 92-5-103360-9
1 Agriculture |
2 Food production |
3 Trade |
I Title |
II Series |
FAO code 70 |
AGRIS E16 E70 |
This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.
I. Current agricultural situation - facts and figures
1. Crop and livestock production in 1992
2. Per caput food production in 1992
3. Agricultural production by major commodities
4. Food shortages and emergencies
5. Current cereal supply, utilization and stocks
6. Cereal trade prospects for 1993/94
7. External assistance to agriculture
8. Food aid flows in 1992/93
9. Fisheries catch, disposition and trade
10. Forestry production and trade in 1992II. OVERALL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT AND AGRICULTURE
The economic outlook and prospects for agriculture
Prospects for developing countries' agriculture
Prospects for economies heavily dependent on agricultural tradeMeeting the goals of the International Conference on Nutrition
Past achievements and current challenges
Nutrition at the centre of development
Action to improve nutritionDecline in agricultural commodity real prices and exporters' earnings
Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations
Current issues in fisheries managementCoastal zone fisheries and local involvement in management
High sea fishingRecycling in forest industries
Forests and forest industries in countries in economic transition
Trade and sustainable forest managementBiotechnology: challenges and opportunities for the 1990s
The country: general characteristics
The economy
Economic policies affecting agriculture
Agricultural sector policies
The impact of policies on agriculture
Current issues in agricultural developmentGrowing intraregional trade and investment flows
The challenges of economic transition
The environment and sustainable agriculture
Sectoral policies following macroeconomic and structural reformsThe agricultural sector
The small farm sector
Economic setting
The new policy framework and economic performance
The economic role of agriculture
Agricultural reform
Outstanding issues and prospects for agriculturePolicy developments
Implications of agricultural policy reformsAgriculture's role in the economy
Economic policy reform
Agricultural strategy in the 1990s
Implications for agricultural performanceEconomic overview
The role of agriculture
Irrigation developmentEconomies in transition
BulgariaThe agricultural sector
Policy reform
The impact of agricultural reform
Prospects and policy issuesThe agricultural sector
Policy reform
The impact of economic reform
Prospects and policy issuesFood supply
Agricultural production in 1992/93
Agricultural policies
Barter operations and foreign trade
Prospects for agricultureThe budget deficit and its impact on agricultural policy
The recent situation and policy developmentsCommon Agricultural Policy reform
Farm production
Farm incomes and farm structures
CAP reform and the environment
What the CAP reform does not doAn agriculture in transition
The agricultural sector
Agricultural marketing policy
Agriculture and the environment
New policy directions
Introduction and overview
Purpose and scope
World water resourcesWater scarcity
World water use
Water and health
Water as a strategic resourceII. WATER RESOURCES: ECONOMICS AND POLICY
Linking the water sector with the national economy
The social, physical and economic nature of waterPhysical attributes of water
Economic attributes of water useEconomic organization of the water sector: markets or governments?
Market failures
Government failures
Economic structure and irrigationIII. Water policies and demand management
Institutions and water policy
Water allocation systemsProperty rights systems and surface water allocation
Prices and surface water allocation
Coordinating groundwater extraction
Conjunctive groundwater and surface water managementIV. POLICY ISSUES IN IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE
Irrigation in the 1990s and beyond
Trends in irrigated area
Crop prices and construction costs
Irrigation and land degradation
Irrigation: good government and good management
Irrigation management: water user associations and NGOs
Future directions in water management policy