First Session

Rome, 24-26 March 2003

Extract from the Report of the 123rd Session of the FAO Council Rome, 28 October – 1 November 2002 (CL 123/REP-Revised)

Establishment of the Intergovernmental Working Group requested in Paragraph
10 of the Declaration of the World Food Summit: five years later

26. As requested in paragraph 10 of the Declaration adopted by the World Food Summit: five years later, the Council decided to establish an Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) as a subsidiary body of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), with the mandate to elaborate, with the participation of stakeholders and within a period of two years, a set of voluntary guidelines to support Members in the progressive realization of the right to adequate food.

27. The Council took note of the extra-budgetary financial resources for the creation of the IGWG. The Council encouraged other donor countries to also contribute to the budget of the IGWG, including in particular funds to facilitate the effective participation of developing countries.

28. The Council adopted the decision contained in Appendix D to this Report.



Establishment and Terms of Reference

1. Within the context of the World Food Summit (WFS) follow-up and in line with operative paragraph 10 of the Declaration of the World Food Summit: five years later (WFS:fyl), an Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) is hereby established to elaborate, with the participation of stakeholders, in a period of two years, a set of voluntary guidelines to support Member Nations' efforts to achieve the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, and to report on its work to the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

2. The IGWG will be established as a subsidiary body of the CFS and will conduct its business in accordance with the rules of procedure of the CFS.


3. Membership in the IGWG will be open to all Members of FAO and all Member Nations of the United Nations.

Stakeholder Participation

4. Relevant international and regional institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, parliamentarians, academic institutions and foundations and the private sector will be invited to participate in the work of the IGWG, in accordance with the criteria governing the issuance of invitations to NGOs for sessions of the CFS. According to these criteria, non-governmental organizations can register as observers, provided that their work is related to the food security mandate of the Committee, is international in character, and demonstrates this through a network of affiliated branches in different countries, or an international board of directors, or both. For the work of CFS, the term NGO is understood to cover all forms of civil society or private sector organizations.

Method of Work

5. At meetings of the IGWG, or of any subsidiary1 bodies that it may create, stakeholders will participate fully2 in the discussions. However, only Members have the right to make decisions. Stakeholders may participate as observers when decisions are being made.

6. The IGWG may decide on modalities to ensure the efficient and effective conduct of proceedings, ensuring that stakeholders can participate in a transparent and active way. Any designation of regional spokespersons or caucuses should be based on the principle of equitable geographical representation.


7. The IGWG shall elect a Bureau consisting of a Chair and six Vice-chairs at its first meeting. The Director-General will convene the first session of the IGWG. Arrangements for subsequent sessions of the IGWG and for any subsidiary bodies or other inter-sessional meetings that may be called for by the IGWG shall be decided by the Bureau or the Chair in consultations with the Director-General. The Bureau will liaise with the FAO Secretariat when the IGWG is not in session.


8. At the first session of the IGWG, which could take place in March or April 2003, Members and stakeholders will present views and proposals as to the elements of the draft voluntary guidelines on the progressive realization of the right to adequate food within the context of national food security. The second session in September 2003 would continue the open debate and seek consensus on specific issues. The third session in February or March 2004 or any additional sessions the IGWG may decide to convene would make decisions on the elements to be included in the draft voluntary guidelines, and finalise the draft. IGWG sessions and meetings should be organized in such a way as to facilitate the participation of representatives of developing countries.

9. In addition to those sessions, the IGWG or its Bureau or Chair may decide, in consultation with the Director-General, to hold other consultations or meetings, as needed and feasible within time and budget possibilities. Such consultations or meetings could be specialized, thematic and/or regional, as required, and may include consultations on specific issues with a view to resolving them ahead of the production of the draft voluntary guidelines.

Reporting Requirements

10. The IGWG will report to the CFS at the regular sessions in May 2003 and September 2004.

Servicing Arrangements

11. As requested in operative paragraph 10 of the Declaration of the WFS:fyl, FAO is to provide assistance to the IGWG, in close collaboration with relevant treaty bodies, agencies and programmes of the UN System. The provision of such assistance will involve internal organizational arrangements, including the setting up of an ad hoc unit within FAO’s Economic and Social Department to service the IGWG and to support its work.

12. The Secretariat of the IGWG will be provided by FAO. FAO will work closely with relevant UN bodies, in particular the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, as well as the two Rome-based food agencies, IFAD and WFP. The FAO Secretariat will ensure that the IGWG benefits from the experience of the human rights bodies in its deliberations, and in particular the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. FAO will also invite other relevant institutions of the UN System, treaty bodies and the WTO to collaborate in assisting the IGWG, on the basis of their respective mandates.

13. In preparation for the first session of the IGWG, the FAO Secretariat, bearing in mind the provisions of paragraph 12 above, shall draft an agenda and a work plan for consideration by the IGWG. In addition, FAO will invite its Members and Member Nations of the United Nations, as well as relevant stakeholders, to submit written comments and views, including proposals for elements for possible inclusion in the draft voluntary guidelines. Submissions received at least 10 days in advance of the session will be made available to the IGWG in the language in which they are received. Submissions received at least 40 days in advance of the session will be incorporated in a synthesis report prepared by the FAO Secretariat.

14. In order to facilitate discussions the FAO Secretariat shall prepare a synthesis report based on the discussions and submissions at the first session, identifying areas of convergence and divergence of views amongst participants.

15. The Bureau, under the leadership of the Chair, shall elaborate a first draft of the voluntary guidelines, in accordance with opinions, points of views and elements received during the sessions of the IGWG. This draft will serve as the basis for subsequent consultations.

16. The current Programme of Work and Budget does not include any provision for costs for the work and servicing of the IGWG. These costs should therefore be covered by extra-budgetary resources. Ongoing activities of FAO related to rights-based approaches to food security will continue and reinforce the IGWG work programme.

1 This does not refer to informal or procedural mechanisms, such as “friends of the chair” meetings.

2 i.e. without having to wait until all members have spoken.