Table of Contents
Preparation of this document
Abbreviations and acronyms
Executive summary
Background to the Fourth APFIC Regional Consultative Forum Meeting
Conclusions and recommendations of the Fourth APFIC RCFM
Opening of the meeting
Theme 1: Regional overview of fisheries and aquaculture
Regional overview of capture fisheries in the subregions of Asia
Status and trends of aquaculture in the subregions of Asia
Theme 2: Regional initiatives promoting improved assessments for strengthening management
The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem � Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC)
Managing complex fisheries using risk-based assessments � some ideas to facilitate the adoption of management regimes in Southeast Asia
Responsible supply of fishmeal to Asian aquaculture
The way forward for trawl fisheries management in Southeast Asia and the Coral Triangle
Fish and fisheries of the Lower Mekong River Basin � updated information
The adoption of aquaculture assessment tools (AATs) for sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region
Implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) in small-scale fisheries in the Philippines
Theme 3: Country experiences improving fisheries management and the CCRF
Fisheries resources management in Bangladesh: A paradigm in natural resource conservation
Management of capture fisheries of China in the South China Sea
Land rights certification programme for fishers of small-scale fishing businesses in Indonesia
Implementing the ecosystem approach to fisheries in Malaysia
Improving fisheries management and implementing the CCRF in Myanmar
Success story of community-based reservoir fisheries in Indrosarobar Kulekhani, Makawanpur District, Nepal
Improving management and governance of fisheries and aquaculture in Pakistan
Improving fisheries management and implementation of the CCRF in
the Philippines
Biodegradable fishing gear in the Republic of Korea
Improving fisheries co-management in Negombo lagoon under the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (RFLP) in Sri Lanka
Improving fisheries management and implementing the CCRF in Thailand
Timor-Leste�s experiences in improving management of capture fisheries
USA National Marine Fisheries Services: stewardship of living marine resources for the twenty-first century
Theme 4: Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change, livelihoods and support to small-scale fisheries
Implications of climate change for fisheries and aquaculture: Challenges for adaptation and mitigation in the Asia-Pacific region
How to get fisheries and aquaculture onto the climate change agenda
The FAO guidelines on small-scale fisheries: getting it right � a civil
society perspective
Lessons learned for improving livelihoods and resilience in coastal communities
Theme 5: Country experiences improving aquaculture management and the CCRF
Steps towards improvement of aquaculture management: Bangladesh perspective
Aquaculture development in Cambodia
Recent improvements in aquaculture in Southern China and some constraints
Aquaculture management and the CCRF implementation in Indonesia
Implementing the ecosystem approach to aquaculture in Malaysia
Improving aquaculture management and implementing the CCRF in Myanmar
Integrated aquaculture in Nepal
Pakistan�s work on aquaculture: implementing the CCRF
Improving aquaculture management and implementing the CCRF in the Philippines
Seaweed cultivation for green growth in the Republic of Korea
Rehabilitation of shrimp aquaculture industry affected with white spot disease in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka through implementation of best management practices
Improving aquaculture management and implementing the CCRF in Thailand
Timor-Leste�s experiences in aquaculture management
Aquaculture development in the United States
Theme 6: Priorities and capacity building for implementing the CCRF
Priority areas for fishery management in South Asia
ASEAN-SEAFDEC Resolution and Plan of Action Towards 2020: Priority areas of the Southeast Asian region
Improving fisheries and resource management
Training and capacity building in the ecosystem approach to fisheries management
RCFM summary and recommendations for reporting to APFIC
Closing of the RCFM
Appendix A: List of participants
Appendix B: Agenda
Appendix C: Opening statements
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ISBN 978-92-5-107431-2
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| For copies write to: | Simon Funge-Smith |
| Senior Fishery Officer |
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