RAP PUBLICATION 2010/22 Inland fisheries resource enhancement and conservation in Asia Edited by: Miao Weimin, Sena De Silva and Brian Davy Download Part I 630Kb Download Full PDF 1.37 Mb |
ABSTRACT Inland capture fisheries provide an important source of food and livelihoods for many people in rural areas. Asia has overwhelmingly contributed to the world’s inland capture fisheries production with a reported total production of 6.8 million tonnes in 2008. Over the past few decades inland fisheries resources have come under increasing pressure from overfishing, use of destructive fishing gear/methodologies, water engineering projects, pollution and environment changes and have shown a clear declining trend. This has been well demonstrated by the disappearance of some traditionally important fish species and a general reduction in the catch of high valued species. Fisheries resource enhancement and conservation measures have long been adopted in many Asian countries for sustaining capture fish production, conserving aquatic biodiversity, rescuing endangered species, improving environmental conditions and upgrading recreational fisheries by offsetting the adverse impacts of human activities on inland fisheries resources. However, there is a general lack of comprehensive understanding as to the effectiveness and impacts of current enhancement and conservation activities in the region. This publication is the product of a regional review study on inland fisheries resource enhancement and conservation conducted during 2009-2010. It includes ten country review papers and one regional synthesis report. It provides the most up-to-date, comprehensive information on inland fisheries resources enhancement and conservation in the region, covering practices, methodologies, operational modalities, impacts, constraints and recommendations for the way forward. The synthesis report provides a regional perspective on inland fisheries resources enhancement and conservation practices in Asia, with special focus on identifying common issues and problems, and recommends actions on improved practices for maximizing benefits to the region. |
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