FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 40 - August 2008

FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 40

Special Issue dedicated to
COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture IV

06-10 October 2008,
Puerto Varas, Chile

Rome, 2008

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Table of Contents

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© FAO 2011


FAN 40 (Download pdf 736 kb)

Editorial: Aquaculture and the 'Right to Food’: for Mutual Supportiveness
  (Download pdf 140 kb)

Contents  (Download pdf 59 kb)

Fourth Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture
  (Download pdf 167 kb)

11th Session of FAO’s COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade
  (Download pdf 61 kb)

Regional Aquaculture Highlights from the Asia-Pacific Region
Recently Completed Events
  (Download pdf 185 kb)

A Synoptic View of FAO’s African Aquaculture Programme:
New Approaches for New Investors
  (Download pdf 212 kb)

Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management and Food Safety
in the Baltic Region (Latvia and Bosnia & Herzegovina)
  (Download pdf 193 kb)

Fisheries and Aquaculture Developments in Central Asia
  (Download pdf 147 kb)

FAO Aquaculture Field Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
  (Download pdf 118 kb)

Development of Bivalve Aquaculture in Latin America
  (Download pdf `115 kb)

FAO and Aquatic Animal Biosecurity in the Pacific Islands
  (Download pdf 182 kb)

Near East and North Africa: A Glance on the Development of Aquaculture
  (Download pdf 162 kb)

Support to Sustainable Aquaculture Development by
Regional Fishery Bodies
  (Download pdf 141 kb)

Regional Aquaculture Networks   (Download pdf 138 kb)

COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture and High Level Special
Event Photo Collage
  (Download pdf 238 kb)

The Challenges of Climate Change for Aquaculture
  (Download pdf 189 kb)

SPADA -The Special Programme for Aquaculture Development in Africa:
Selected Highlights
  (Download pdf 669 kb)

Certification in Aquaculture: Additional Value or Cost?  (Download pdf 198 kb)

Policies and Socio-economic Impacts of Aquaculture:
What is Happening and What is Next?
  (Download pdf 221 kb)

Data Collection, Packaging and Dissemination of Aquaculture Information
  (Download pdf 120 kb)

Glimpse of Global Aquaculture Production – from the FAO
Fishery and Aquaculture Database
  (Download pdf 124 kb)

Human Right to Food in Law and Practice: Salient Points  (Download pdf 104 kb)

Integrating Enhancement of Aquatic Biodiversity and Rice
Intensification – a Workshop Summary
  (Download pdf 80 kb)

New Staff Profile  (Download pdf 97 kb)

Aquaculture and Aquaculture-related Publications
  (Download pdf 522 kb)

Back Cover  (Download pdf 736 kb)