CL 116/8-Sup.1 |
Hundred and Sixteenth Session |
Rome, 14 - 19 June 1999 |
1. FAO has selected, since 1947, the host
country for the World Forestry Congress and has co-sponsored and assisted in the
organization of nine congresses. The last Congress was held in Antalya, Turkey, from 13 to
22 October 1997. The XII World Forestry Congress is scheduled to be held in 2003. The
Director-General invited countries, through a Circular State Letter dated 14 January 1999,
to submit offers to host and organize the Congress. The deadline for submissions was
28 February 1999. The following countries indicated their interest and have submitted
their candidatures to host the Congress in 2003:
2. The principles governing World Forestry
Congresses and provisions to be included in the rules of procedure of World Forestry
Congresses (which had been adopted by the Council at its Sixty-fourth Session in 1974)
were updated by the Council at its Hundred and Fifteenth Session, when revised guidelines
were adopted (CL 115/REP, paras. 98-102). These guidelines indicate the procedure for the
selection of the host country. The Councils policy guidelines have been supplemented
by technical-operational guidelines prepared by the Forestry Department, which were made
available to interested countries.
3. The Council is called upon to decide on
the host country. The Council will take into consideration inter
alia the desirability for a rotation among the various regions
for the location of the Congress and the provisions proposed to ensure universal and broad
participation in the preparation and conduct of the Congress. In this connection, the
following countries have hosted the eleven congresses organized to date:
5. COFO did not reach a consensus on a recommendation to the Council for the
choice of the host country. 6. The synthesis documents supporting the offers from Guatemala and Canada (as
submitted to the Committee on Forestry in March 1999) are reproduced below. Document CL
116/8-Sup.2 provides an assessment of logistic and infrastructure conditions in both
countries, as a result of a mission undertaken by the Director, Conference, Council and
Protocol Affairs Division.
4. The Secretariat suggested to the
Committee on Forestry (COFO) at its Fourteenth Session1 that
the Committee make recommendations to the Council for the choice of the host country,
taking into account inter alia the
following criteria:
1 Document COFO-99/9