FC 95/1 |
Ninety-fifth Session |
Rome, 25 - 29 September 2000 |
Provisional Agenda |
This document does not constitute an invitation to the session. While complete sets of documents cannot be provided, one copy of specific committee documents can be provided upon written request. |
1. Adoption of Agenda and Timetable (docs. FC 95/1, FC 95/1 Add.1, FC 95/INF/1)
2. Programme and Budgetary Transfers in the 1998-1999 Biennium and Annual Report on Budgetary Performance to Member Nations (doc. FC 95/2)
3. Programme Implementation Report (1998-1999) (doc. C 2001/8)
4. Medium Term Plan 2002-2007 (doc. CL 119/17)
5. Use of Arrears (doc. CL 119/19)
6. Review of Support Costs - Supplementary Information (doc. FC 95/6)
7. Financial Position of the Organization and Status of Current Assessments as at 30 June 2000 (doc. FC 95/7)
8. Trust Funds - Exemption of Project Servicing Costs (doc. FC 95/8)
9. Protection of the Organization's Programme of Work against Exchange Rate Fluctuations (doc. FC 95/9)
10. Role of the Finance Committee in the Management of Arrears (doc. FC 95/10)
11. Arrangements for the Selection and Procedure for Appointment of the External Auditor (doc. FC 95/11)
12. Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions - Determination of Discount Rate (doc. FC 95/12)
13. Annual Reports of the ICSC and UN Joint Staff Pension Board to the General Assembly, and Summary of the Decisions taken (doc. FC 95/13)
14. Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances (doc. FC 95/14)
15. Statistics of Personnel Services (doc. FC 95/15)
16. Proposal for Additional Staffing Information (doc. FC 95/16)
17. Changes in Staff Regulations - Reformatting for Intranet (doc. FC 95/17)
18. UN Joint Inspection Reports
- Work Programme (doc. CL 119/INF/12)
- Private Sector Involvement and Cooperation with the UN System
(doc. CL 119/INF/13)- Policies and Practices in the Use of Services (doc. CL 119/INF/14)
19. WFP Report on Budgetary Performance 1998-1999 (doc. FC 95/19)
20. WFP Audited Biennial Accounts 1998-1999 (doc. FC 95/20)
21. Supplementary Budget for 2000/2001 (doc. FC 95/21)
22. Working Methods of the Finance Committee
23. Date and Place of the Ninety-sixth Session
24. Any Other Matters