Rome, 2000
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� FAO 2000
1 Trends in world and agricultural trade
2 International trade: some basic theories and concepts
3. Instruments of protection and their economic impact
4. Agriculture in the GATT: a historical account
5. Dispute settlement
6. Trade and the environment
1. Domestic support measures
2. Preparing for negotiating further reductions of the bound tariffs
3. Export subsidies
4. Market access I: tariffs and other access terms
5. Market access II: tariff rate quotas
6. Safeguard measures
7. Special and differential treatment
8. Continuing the reform process in agriculture: Article 20 issues
9. Decision on measures concerning the possible negative effects on LDCs and NFIDCs
10. Trade and food security: options for developing countries
11. International trade in fishery products and the new global trading environment
1. History of the development of the SPS agreement
2. SPS
agreement: provisions, basic rights and obligations
3. Agreement
on TBT: an overview
4. Introduction
to Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)
5. Introduction
to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)
6. Introduction
to the Office International des Epizooties (OIE)
7. National
food control systems: components and operation
8. National
phytosanitary capacity for WTO members and contracting parties to IPPC
9. Animal
health: necessary components at the national level
10. Risk
analysis and Codex
11. Risk
analysis and IPPC
12. Risk
analysis and OIE
13. Trade
and forestry
14. Food
control: fish as food
1. Basic
concepts of intellectual property rights
2. Introduction
to the TRIPS Agreement: contents
3. Provisions
of the TRIPS Agreement relevant to agriculture (Part I)
4. Provisions
of the TRIPS Agreement relevant to agriculture (Part II)
5. Article
27.3(b): related international agreements (Part I)
6. Article
27.3(b): related international agreements (Part II)
7. Implementation
of Article 27.3(b): drafting and enacting national legislation (sui generis
review negotiations