18 March 1998
While the final outcome of 1997/98 cereal crops in southern Africa still
depends crucially on El Niño-related weather behaviour in the coming
weeks, there is now guarded optimism about the likely outcome of the season.
As of mid-March 1998, crop growing conditions have been generally favourable
in most parts, with normal to above normal rainfall received since October.
However, localized crop damage due to excessive rains or prolonged dry
spells is reported from several parts of the sub-region. With crops still
at their pollination stage, it is too early to give a definite quantitative
estimate of the season’s outcome. It is possible however, to provide some
preliminary indications, based on the planted areas, latest rainfall data
and satellite images, crop reports from SADC Regional and National Early
Warning Systems and the local mid-season assessments undertaken in countries
of the sub-region with participation of FAO, WFP, USAID/FEWS, as well as
UNICEF (for Mozambique) and NGOs.
The El Niño which started in March 1997 with a high warming of
sea surface temperatures continues to have an impact on the agriculture
sector (including forestry and fisheries) in several parts of the world,
including Eastern and Southern Africa. In Africa, while El Niño
has been associated with exceptionally heavy rains in Eastern Africa, its
impact on weather has so far been minor in Southern Africa. Nevertheless,
Governments in the sub-region, with coordination by SADC and the assistance
of their international partners, initiated contingency planning, including
encouraging the planting of drought resistant crops, early plantings, improved
water conservation measures and distribution of seed packs and other inputs.
FAO intensified its monitoring of the crop situation in the sub-region
while WFP prepared a contingency plan in cooperation with SADC.
As the growing season progresses in southern Africa, the threat of an
El Niño-induced drought appears to be receding. Following hot and
dry weather during the first dekad of February in the southern half of
the sub-region extending across Lesotho, southern Namibia, Botswana and
Zimbabwe and most of the northern and central portions of South Africa,
better rainfall and cooler temperatures during the rest of the month favoured
crop development in most areas. However, more rains are needed in these
areas in the next few weeks for crops to reach their maturity. As harvest
is likely to be delayed following later-than-usual plantings at the beginning
of the season, the danger also exists that an early frost in the upcoming
winter period could damage part of the crop.
Assuming normal weather conditions prevail for the remainder of the season,
the sub-region’s aggregate cereal production is forecast at 19.8 million
tonnes. This would represent a drop in output of about 8 percent compared
to the relatively good 1997 harvest, largely on account of reduced planting
in many countries as a result of the drought warning and irregular rains.
A major deterioration of weather conditions in the remaining March/April
period could result in a further drop in output, but of a limited magnitude
given the current relatively good level of soil moisture in many places
and the availability of irrigation water for commercial farms. Based on
this production forecast, aggregate cereal import requirements of the sub-region
during the
1998/99 marketing year are estimated at about 4.7 million tonnes, some
30 percent above last year’s level. The major impact on food supply in
the sub-region would be the substantial reduction of exportable surpluses
from South Africa and Zimbabwe to needy countries in the sub-region. Reflecting
reduced production and limited commercial import capacity of several countries
in the sub-region, food aid requirements in the marketing year 1998/99
could increase. The most affected country would be Lesotho. Madagascar
may also have serious locust-induced crop losses. The table below summarizes
the supply/demand situation for the sub-region. With nearly two months
before crops are harvested, these estimates should be regarded as highly
tentative. FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions, in cooperation
with SADC, are scheduled to visit the more vulnerable countries in April/May
to review the season’s outcome and to estimate the cereal import requirements,
including food aid for 1998/99.
Southern Africa 1998/99 Supply/Demand Situation
1997/98 |
1998/99 |
Domestic Availability |
24 228 |
21 880 |
Production 1/ |
21 501 |
19 811 |
Opening Stock |
2 727 |
2 069 |
Utilization |
27 871 |
26 604 |
Food Use |
18 039 |
18 746 |
Other Uses |
5 852 |
5 852 |
Exports |
1 911 |
650 |
Closing stocks |
2 069 |
1 356 |
Import Requirements |
3 643 |
4 724 |
Commercial Imports |
3 019 |
3 776 |
Food aid needs |
624 |
948 |
1/ 1998 preliminary production forecast, including rice
in milled form
Conditions have so far been generally favourable for crops in most parts
of the country. Despite a slow start of the season with below normal rains
in the southern areas until December, widespread rains in January have
significantly improved conditions for crops, particularly in cereal growing
areas of the centre and the south. Plantings are estimated to have slightly
increased from the 1996/97 levels. However, agricultural activities and
the food supply situation continue to be hampered by security constraints
in several parts of the country. Early planted crops have reached maturity
and prospects are generally good for the main harvest, which should start
in the next few weeks. A near normal harvest is expected.
However, domestic production remains well below consumption requirements
and the country continues to rely heavily on international assistance to
meet its food needs. An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission
is scheduled to visit the country in April/May.
Following generally sparse and below normal rainfall in most parts of the
country between October and December, abundant and widespread rains fell
across the country in January 1998, becoming heavy in the north and lighter
in the south. Despite an adequate supply of seeds and other agricultural
inputs, the planted area was constrained by the late start of rains and
is forecast to be much below the 1996/97 level. As a result, timely and
well distributed rains in March and April will be critical for crops. If,
on the other hand, the next few weeks see dry weather then yields could
be seriously affected leading to a major crop loss compared to the 1997
below average cereal production. Given the possibility that many farmers
were induced by high prices during the current 1997/98 marketing year to
sell most of their grains to milling companies, farm level stocks are likely
to be low. Nevertheless, available grain stocks and planned imports by
major commercial millers during the 1998/99 marketing year are expected
to meet national requirements.
The cropping season has been marked by generally erratic and below normal
rainfall between September and December, with high temperatures in many
areas which further reduced the level of soil moisture. As a result, early
planted crops suffered serious water stress and planting was delayed in
many areas. Widespread rains in January significantly improved conditions
for crops and encouraged some farmers to plant more land. This will increase
the size of the area planted, which was forecast in early January at only
a third of the 1996/97 level. Seed and fertilizer supply are considered
adequate. Following light and localized showers during the first dekad
of February, better rains during the last two dekads of February improved
crop conditions. However, more timely and well distributed rains are needed
in March and April for crops to complete their growth cycle
Based on the above, prospects remain poor for the 1998 cereal harvest.
Output is forecast to be some 25 to 30 percent below the 1997 reduced crop.
As a result, the food supply situation in the country could worsen during
the upcoming marketing year unless arrangements for large imports are made.
Despite a late start of rains, which delayed the transplanting of rice
in some areas, favourable rains were received in most areas in December
and January. The area planted to rice and other cereals is reported to
be normal but may be somewhat reduced as a result of the delayed start
of the season. While recent precipitation received in February will be
beneficial to crops, the major threat to the 1998 crops to be harvested
in March/April is the persistence of swarms of African Migratory Locust
(Locusta migratoria capito) in several regions of the country. Locust movements
are currently reported in the southern and south-western parts of the country
but also in western and central major rice growing areas. Aerial and ground
control operations are in progress.
However, given the potential impact of locusts on crops, harvest prospects
are uncertain and crop losses could range from 10 to 30 percent of the
1997 harvest. This would lead to a sharp increase in cereal import requirements
for which emergency food assistance would be required, particularly in
drought-prone southern areas where the situation of vulnerable groups tends
to be exacerbated by transport difficulties and low purchasing power of
the population. Emergency food aid requirements are expected to be channelled
through food-for-work and vulnerable group feeding activities.
The outlook for the 1997/98 cereal crop is generally good. Despite a late
start of the season, rainfall in most parts of the country has so far been
very favourable. The rains have been generally light in the south but moderate
to heavy in the north, resulting in flooding in some areas with loss of
property and lives. Total area planted is expected to be comparable to
the 1996/97 level but may be somewhat reduced as a result of the late start
of rains. The supply of major agricultural inputs is considered adequate.
Harvest prospects are therefore generally favourable. Overall, the 1998
crop is anticipated to be comparable to last year’s average level but could
be higher if conditions continue to be favourable in southern areas. An
improvement in harvest outcome will help reduce the country’s need to import
cereals to meet its requirements. WFP plans to support a four month safety
net programme through food-for-work and vulnerable group feeding activities.
Crops continue to benefit from favourable conditions in most parts of the
country. Despite initial concerns over a possible El Niño-induced
drought, rains started early in September in the southern areas, gradually
reaching the central and northern major agricultural provinces. Rainfall
from December to February was normal and crops are reported to be in good
vegetative condition. Seed and fertilizer supplies are reported to be adequate.
A few areas of concern include the western provinces of Tete and Manica,
where dry spells in November and December and floods in January have affected
crops in some districts. Heavy rains, which continued through February,
could reduce yields in some northern and central areas, due to water-logging
of crops and loss of soil nutrients. Initial indications are that area
planted this year could be at least similar to the 1996/97 level. Prospects
are generally favourable for a near normal harvest of cereal and other
crops, provided good weather conditions prevail in the remainder of the
Following a good 1997 cereal harvest with large carryover stocks anticipated,
the overall food supply situation is expected to continue to improve. However,
food assistance will continue to be required in localized dry areas of
the south and areas where farmers may lose their crop as a result of current
floods. Therefore, international assistance may be needed for local purchases
and transport to remote areas. Additional food assistance through the ongoing
emergency will be required for people affected by floods (Sofala and Tete
provinces) and crop loss in isolated dry areas in traditionally food insecure
areas of Gaza and Inhamane Province. A new Emergency Operation of 8 000
to 10 000 tonnes for one year will probably be prepared in June by WFP,
to start in October 1998.
Weather conditions have so far been favourable in most crop growing areas
of the country. Rainfall in January has been widespread and heavy in some
areas, substantially improving crop growing conditions, particularly in
the north-east and Caprivi regions. Pastures have also benefited from these
favourable conditions. Despite a dry spell in early February, the rainfall
situation continues to be better than anticipated at the beginning of the
season. However, more timely and well distributed rains are needed in March
and April to bring to maturity crops mostly planted in late December and
Prospects for cereal harvests are generally favourable. Assuming no
major deterioration of weather conditions in the coming few weeks, output
is expected to be close to or above average. Following last year’s bumper
harvest, a large carryover stock is anticipated at the end of the current
marketing year. Consequently, available supply and planned commercial imports
should cover consumption requirements during the 1998/99 marketing year.
South Africa
Rainfall in late December and in January was abundant, covering most of
the country. This provided much needed relief for crops, particularly in
the northern and central parts of the country which received little rain
in December and crop were severely stressed. Although the first dekad of
February was marked by above average temperatures and below average rainfall
at a time when about a third of the maize was coming into the critical
pollination stage, better rains during the rest of the month and in early
March have reduced concerns for the start of the much anticipated El Niño-induced
dry period in this part of the sub-region. It is expected that the current
high soil moisture reserves and the availability of irrigation water in
commercial farming areas will help cushion the impact of a prolonged dry
spell on crops in the next few weeks. Nonetheless, an extended drought
and/or an early frost in the upcoming winter period could lead to a crop
loss of some 10 to 20 percent compared to last year. The major impact would
to seriously affect the country’s ability to export maize, particularly
to countries in the sub-region.
Maize planting is officially estimated to be reduced by about 12 per
cent, compared to last year, largely on account of reduced planting in
several areas as a result of the drought warning and irregular rains, particularly
in December. The subsequent first production estimate indicates a maize
crop of 6.9 million tonnes, including 2.8 million tonnes of yellow maize
for animal feed and 4.1 million tonnes of white maize, slightly above domestic
consumption needs.
Weather conditions have been generally favourable since October with normal
to above normal rains over most growing areas. In keeping with contingency
measures suggested by the government, farmers started to plant early, especially
in the Low Veld. Fast maturing and drought tolerant maize varieties were
used in drought prone areas. The area planted to maize is expected to be
slightly lower than last year’s level, largely resulting from crop diversification
by some farmers. The early planted crop is now reported at the tasselling
to grain-filling stages, while the late planted crop is at the late vegetative
stage and in good condition.
Harvest prospects are generally good but yields may be affected by heavy
rains in several areas, which may cause the leaching of nutrients. The
current food supply situation is satisfactory overall and most of imports
are expected to be met through commercial channels.
Widespread and abundant rains received in most parts of the country in
January and early February were beneficial to crops, particularly in Southern
and Western Provinces. Current wet conditions may also negatively affect
yields due to water-logging and loss of soil nutrients. Initial indications
are that area planted to cereals may be nearing the 1997 level in northern
areas and slightly lower elsewhere, with more diversification from maize
to millet/sorghum and other crops in Southern and Western Provinces, which
are generally vulnerable to drought. Seed and fertilizer supplies are reported
to be normal but the area planted by small scale farmers may have also
been limited in some areas due to a lack of credit and inadequate input
distribution. The effective demand for fertilizers is reported to be low
as prices appear to be out of reach of small farmers.
Early prospects for the 1998 cereal harvest are generally favourable
in the major growing areas. Provided conditions do not deteriorate during
the next few weeks, production could be close to the 1997 level. The present
food supply situation is generally satisfactory as a result of recent imports
of maize, especially from South Africa and available cereal supply should
cover needs until the arrival of the new crop. However, further imports
may be required during the 1998/99 marketing year to cover the country’s
cereal needs.
Rains until early January were late and generally erratic in the southern
part of the country. Crop conditions improved significantly in January
following widespread rains in most areas of the country. In general, the
late arrival of rains coupled with repeated drought early warnings resulted
in a reduction of planting by an estimated 25 to 30 percent compared to
1997. The early planted crop is at the grain-filling stages and is reported
in good condition. The rest of the crop is generally at the vegetative
stage, and in relatively good condition. Crop in some southern areas suffered
from a dry spell in early February. In general, more rains are needed in
March and part of April for crops to reach their maturity.
The current overall food supply situation is relatively tight. Following
a drop of almost 70 percent in the value of the local currency against
the US dollar in late 1997 and reports of government plans to distribute
land as part of a peasant resettlement scheme, the price of maize meal
and other consumer goods rose steeply by up to 40 percent in January 1998,
triggering food riots in the capital. In order to stabilize consumer prices,
part of the maize Strategic Grain Reserve has been released onto the market.
Further measures are expected since the Government has now appointed a
30-member economic advisory committee including leaders of the main private
sector organizations. For the upcoming 1998/99 marketing year, there may
be a smaller carryover stock available to help cushion the impact of the
drop in output and the country may become a net importer of cereals. Targeted
assistance may also be required to vulnerable groups in southern traditionally
dry areas, which are likely to have poor harvest. This assistance is a
continuing programme which the Government may need to increase or refocus
depending on the situation.
This report is prepared on the responsibility
of the FAO and WFP Secretariats with information from official and unofficial
sources. Since conditions may change rapidly, please contact the undersigned
for further information if required. |
Abdur Rashid
Mohamed Zejjari
Director, OSA, WFP
Telex 610181 FAO I
Telex: 626675 WFP 1
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