Prepared by J. Falconer and J.E.M. Arnold
1.1 The importance of forest resources for the poor
1.2 The impacts of change on the uses of forest and farm tree resources
1.2.1 Impacts of diminishing forest resources
1.2.2 Implications of the increasing dependence on the cash economy
1.3 Incorporating food security issues into forest management and policy planning
2.1 Contribution of forest and farm tree foods to the household diet
2.1.1 The Plant Foods Collected from Forests and Farm Trees
2.1.2 Animal Foods from Forests and Farm Trees
2.1.3 The Contribution of Livestock Fodder from Forests and Farm Trees
2.1.4 Honey from the Forest: Provision of Year-Round Bee Fodder
2.2 Forestry and human nutrition: defining the linkages
2.2.1 Examples of Problems Related to Nutrition
2.2.3 Fuelwood Energy and Nutrition
2.2.4 Farm Trees and Home Gardens have Positive Effects on the Overall Nutrition of Households.
2.3 The contribution of forest food resources to the household food security
2.3.1 The Supplementary Role of Forest Foods
2.4 Changes in the forest resource and concomitant changes in the forest resource use
2.5 Incorporating nutrition issues into forest activities
3.0 Income and employment, forestry and food security
3.2 The importance of forest-based enterprises for rural households
3.2.1 The Extent of Forest-Based Income Generation
3.2.2 The Contribution of Forest-Based Income to Household Budget
3.3 The participants in forest-based income earning activities
3.3.1 The Importance of Forest-Based Activities for Poorer Households
3.3.2 The Role of Women in Forest-Based Income Earning Activities
3.4 Forest-based income and household food security
3.5 The constraints to the further development of forest-based small-scale enterprises
4.0 Tree cultivation, the household economy and food security
4.1 Benefits and costs of tree components in farming systems
4.2 Tree cultivation and farmer objectives and resources
4.3 Tree cash crops and food security
4.4 Planning, management and policy issues