52 Suppl.
![]() | Inland fisheries of Europe |
William A. Dill
Davis, California, USA
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
ISBN 92-5-103358-7
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Dill, W.A. |
Inland fisheries of Europe |
EIFAC Technical Paper. No. 52 Suppl. Rome, FAO. 1993. 281 p. |
This document presents a summary of the geographical, historical, technical and institutional infrastructure of inland fisheries in the following European countries: Albania, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. Information is set out in a standardized format for ease of comparison. The document completes the information provided in EIFAC Technical Paper No. 52, which refers to: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, (Fed. Rep. of), Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Yugoslavia. |
In response to the recommendation of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) to present a synthesis of the state of inland fisheries in Europe, the first volume (EIFAC Technical Paper No. 52) and this supplement have been prepared by the author.
The summaries for the nine countries that follow represent material which was not incorporated into the first volume because of delays in response from the governments concerned. This supplement volume is based on a version approved by the concerned countries circa 1985, recently published literature, and the author's overall knowledge of the countries.
In the first volume of EIFAC Technical Paper No. 52, issued by FAO in 1990, thanks were extended to the EIFAC National Correspondents, as well as to others, who aided in its preparation. To this list, the following names should be added to thank those EIFAC Correspondents and others whose response to queries by the EIFAC Secretariat helped prepare this second volume: Mr N. Nechev (Bulgaria), Mr J.E. Brachet (France), Mr D.M. Kostakopulos (Greece), Mr F.J. Mota (Portugal), Prof. Dr N. Bacalbaşa-Dobrovici (Romania), Dr M. Elegido (Spain), Dr B. Hölmberg (Sweden), Dr J.W. Banks, Mr A.V. Holden, Miss J. Mitchell, Mr R.J. Pedlow, Mr B. Stott, Mr A. Swain and Mr R.B. Williamson (United Kingdom).
I am also grateful to the following for their aid in sending me information which has been used in preparing this supplement, or in helping me to view some of their fisheries personally: Dr K. Andersson (Sweden), Mr J. Allardi, Dr D. Babin, Dr M.G. Castelnaud, Mr R. Charpy, Mr P. Chimits, Dr D. Viard and Mr P.F. Vivier (France), Mr J.S. Alabaster, Mr I.R.H. Allen, Dr A.J. Brook, Mr E.D. Le Cren, Mr F.T.K. Pentelow and Mr K.A. Pyefinch (United Kingdom).
Again, I am particularly grateful to Dr R.L. Welcomme, Chief, Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service of the Fisheries Department of FAO, and present Secretary of EIFAC, and Mrs R. Sola and Ms S. Borghese, also of the Fisheries Department of FAO, who have aided materially in the preparation of this supplement.
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