Unasylva - No. 155 - Urban forestry: Cities, trees and people

Table of Contents

Vol. 39


An international journal of the forestry and food industries

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

ISSN 0041-6436

Robert Wazeka

Language Editor
Roberta Mitchell

Layout Editor
Marina Criscuolo

Consulting Editors
Fay Banoun, Marcelle Biagini,
Griselda Gomez, Farhana Haque

Editorial Assistant
Antoinette Fernandez Van Asten

Editorial Advisory Board
Forestry Department:
J.E.M. Arnold (Chairman). B. Ben
Salem C. Chandrasekharan. A.
Contreras, M.R. de Montalembert, B.
Kyrklund, M.K. Muthoo. C. Palmberg,
R.D. Pardo, R. Wazeka (Secretary)
Publications Division:
K. Richmond (Editorial Branch)

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cover: Karen Schmauk

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome

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Table of Contents

Editorial - Cities, trees and people

Urban agroforestry

R.R. Thaman
The Pacific islands and beyond

Urban forestry

Farhana Haque
Thirteen city profiles

R.J. Olembo and P. de Rham
In two different worlds

Gary Moll and Deborah Gangloff
Urban forestry in the United States

A.J. Leslie
A second look at the economics of natural management systems in tropical mixed forests

The world of forestry

Breakthrough on International Tropical Timber Agreement
Medicinal plants: A neglected resource
Mobile sawshops to Bangladesh
Integrating traditional and modern medicine
Honey from rubber


Arid rangeland trees and shrubs
Appropriate technology handbook
Forest plantations: A new economic resource in Côte d'Ivoire
Asian swiddeners
The trees of Spain
Controlling elephant damage


Public attitudes wildlife and conservation in the Third World
Protective legislation in Chile

Special insert: Forestry science serving society

Declaration - Forestry science serving
A message from the children...
A brief congress report
The IUFRO scientific achievement award
The IUFRO honorary members
The post-congress scientific excursions
A brief history of IUFRO
IUFRO's special programme for developing countries
IUFRO news
From the keynote address
Future programme of IUFRO

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