CFS:2000/INF/9 |
Twenty-sixth Session |
Rome, 18-21 September 2000 |
This information note provides summary information on the status of FIVIMS in 120 countries in tabular format. Information on FIVIMS activities ongoing or planned in developed countries and countries in transition are not reported, due to unavailability of information. In subsequent reports, these countries will be included as well. The information in this report comes from the FIVIMS Tracking System, a database maintained by the Secretariat of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on FIVIMS, located in the Economic and Social Department of FAO. Data in some cases has been provided from FIVIMS focal points at country level and from IAWG members.
The information is grouped by geographical region and presented in four tables:
Two types of information are presented: (i) activities directly related to establishing and institutionalising a national FIVIMS and (ii) closely related programme activities contributing to FIVIMS objectives.
(i) Steps in the Establishment of FIVIMS reported here:
1. Expression of interest and/or request for assistance: Some member states have asked for specific technical assistance in establishing national FIVIMS or FIVIMS-related information systems. Other countries have expressed interest by requesting information products, guidelines and/or by starting up activities in the context of FIVIMS.
2. Nomination of focal point: Sixty-nine developing countries have designated national focal points for FIVIMS.
3. Identification and characterisation of food insecure and vulnerable groups: FIVIMS provides information on and monitors food insecure and vulnerable groups. Therefore, the identification and characterisation of food insecure and vulnerable groups is a first step in designing a national FIVIMS. So far this has been done in sixteen developing countries through vulnerability brainstorming workshops. Another ten countries have started this process, using other assessment methods.
4. Creation of national FIVIMS network/task force: Twenty-nine countries have provided information on the institutional arrangement in place (such as a FIVIMS network) or planned for implementing FIVIMS activities.
5. Review and assessment of existing information systems: Information systems that may contribute to a national FIVIMS have been evaluated in 25 countries in some detail, using the criteria listed in paragraph 38 of the Guidelines for National FIVIMS: Background and Principles (CFS: 98/5).
6. Preparation of stepwise action plan for implementing FIVIMS: Thirteen countries have prepared in more or less detail a national strategy and work plan for implementing FIVIMS. The development of FIVIMS has received active support from the Asia and Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition (APNFN) and the Red de Cooperacion Tecnica en Sistemas de Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional (Red SISVAN) in Latin America. Both networks held a meeting in December 1999 at which action plans for establishing national FIVIMS were discussed.
7. Proposal for funding for expanded FIVIMS activities: Several project proposals for FIVIMS activities have been prepared. Among these are FAO-TCP projects and proposals for bi-lateral funding.
8. Integrated national food security information system: An integrated information system uses food security related information from several sectors, for example, agriculture, health, trade, environment etc. to provide a more complete assessment of food security and vulnerability in the country. In total, sixteen countries reported that they have an integrated national information system of some kind in place. Strengthening of these information systems might be necessary in some countries in order for them to meet the FIVIMS requirements.
(ii) FIVIMS Related Programmes:
9. ICN - National plans of action on nutrition: Reports on the national plans of action on nutrition completed in WHO/FAO ICN follow-up. National plans of action on nutrition (NPAN) and FIVIMS both focus on improvement of nutritional status through action programmes. FIVIMS is about providing better information for improved action programmes directed at reducing the number of undernourished and NPANs are action plans focused on the design and implementation of specific activities aimed at reducing malnutrition, especially at community level. The nutrition surveillance systems promoted by the NPANS have a strong overlap with FIVIMS. NPANs are available in draft version (years in italics) in 34 countries and in final version (years in bold) in 59 countries.
10. Nutrition country profile: At this stage, nutrition country profiles provide input into a FIVIMS. Once a FIVIMS is in place, it should be able to easily provide data necessary for compiling the nutrition country profile as well as other food security and vulnerability profiles.
11. ACC thematic group on rural development and food security: At country level FIVIMS is promoted through the ACC thematic group on rural development and food security. In eighteen countries, ACC thematic groups have adopted FIVIMS as a priority for action, mainly in Africa, Asia and the Near East. No ACC thematic group is actively pursuing FIVIMS in Latin America and the Caribbean
12. Vulnerability assessment and mapping: Due to the high relevance of WFP's vulnerability and mapping (VAM) work, it can play a major role in supporting national systems by providing models on vulnerability assessment and by sharing data and information collected. The key countries for WFP/VAM are marked with an #. Other similar programmes sponsored by IAWG FIVIMS members are USAID FEWS and the European Union's RESAL programmes, and the Projet alerte Precoce et Prevision des Productions Agricoles of the Italian Cooperation, in collaboration with CILSS and the WMO. These will be reported on in future years.
Asia and the Pacific
1. Expression of interest / request for assistance | 2. Nomination of focal point | 3. Identify and characterise vulnerable groups |
4. Creation of national FIVIMS network |
Assessment of existing information systems |
6. Preparation of action plan for FIVIMS | 7. Proposal for donor funding |
8. Integrated Food Security Information Systems |
9. Plan of Action on Nutrition |
10. Nutrition Country Profile |
ACC Thematic group |
12. Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (WFP) |
13. Remarks |
EAST ASIA: | |||||||||||||||||
China | 1997 | 1999 | # | WFP/IFAD study on food insecure populations completed. Workshop planned to launch FIVIMS. | |||||||||||||
Korea, DPR | |||||||||||||||||
Korea, Rep. | |||||||||||||||||
Mongolia | |||||||||||||||||
OCEANIA : | |||||||||||||||||
Fiji | 1997 | * | |||||||||||||||
Papua New Guinea | 1995 | * | Project proposal for establishing FIVIMS currently under review for submission to AusAID. | ||||||||||||||
Samoa | 1995 | Included in EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | |||||||||||||||
Solomon Islands | 1994 | ||||||||||||||||
Tonga | 1995/97 | ||||||||||||||||
Vanuatu | 1997 | 1999 | |||||||||||||||
SE ASIA : | |||||||||||||||||
Cambodia | 1996 | 1999 | # | Awareness workshop held. | |||||||||||||
Indonesia | 1994 | # | The inter-sectoral food and nutrition surveillance system has been strengthened. | ||||||||||||||
Laos | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Malaysia | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Myanmar | 1994 | Terms of reference drafted for a consultant to initiate the development of FIVIMS. | |||||||||||||||
Philippines | 1994 | Preparation of the National Nutrition Council manual of operations for implementing FIVIMS underway. | |||||||||||||||
Thailand | 1994 | Discussions on preparing guidelines and which indicators to select are taking place. | |||||||||||||||
Vietnam | 1995-2000 | 1999 | Steering group meets monthly. A workshop is planned on how to present and use FIVIMS data. | ||||||||||||||
SOUTH ASIA : | |||||||||||||||||
Bangladesh | 1997 | 1999 | # | Awareness workshop held. | |||||||||||||
Bhutan | 1994 | * | |||||||||||||||
India | 1995 | 1998 | # | FAO-TCP project for implementing FIVIMS on a pilot basis in two states under review. | |||||||||||||
Maldives | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Nepal | 1998 | 1998 | # | Request for assistance in developing FIVIMS received. Paper on how to proceed drafted. | |||||||||||||
Pakistan | - | 1998 | Awareness and sensitisation activities underway. | ||||||||||||||
Sri Lanka | 1995 | 1999 | Review of food security literature completed. Preparation of a brainstorming session on identifying vulnerable groups underway. | ||||||||||||||
Related activities | FIVIMS activities | 9. Italics
- draft/Bold -final/Hyphen - no date 10. * Under preparation 12.# Key Country |
Latin America and Caribbean - part I
1. Expression of interest / request for assistance | 2. Nomination of focal point |
3. Identify and characterise Vulnerable groups |
4. Creation of national FIVIMS network |
5. Assessment of existing information systems | 6. Preparation of action plan for FIVIMS | 7. Proposal for donor funding |
8. Integrated Food Security Information Systems |
9. Plan of Action on Nutrtion |
10. Nutrition Country Profile | 11. ACC Thematic group |
12. Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (WFP) |
13 . Remarks |
NORTH AMERICA: | |||||||||||||||||
Mexico | 1996 | Identification of the benefits of a FIVIMS underway. | |||||||||||||||
CARIBBEAN : | |||||||||||||||||
Anguilla | 1998 | ||||||||||||||||
Antigua - Barbuda | 1998 | ||||||||||||||||
Bahamas | - | ||||||||||||||||
Barbados | 1994 | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | |||||||||||||||
Cuba | 1994 | # | A study on vulnerability assessment has taken place in the oriental part of the country. | ||||||||||||||
Dominica | |||||||||||||||||
Dominican Rep. | 1995 | Terms of reference for consultancy on designing and implementing FIVIMS drafted. | |||||||||||||||
Grenada | - | ||||||||||||||||
Haiti | 1996 | * | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | ||||||||||||||
Jamaica | 1995 | 1999 | |||||||||||||||
St. Lucia | - | ||||||||||||||||
St. Kitts Nev. | 1998 | ||||||||||||||||
Trinidad & Tobago | 1996 | ||||||||||||||||
CENTRAL AMERICA : | |||||||||||||||||
Belize | 1996 | * | |||||||||||||||
Costa Rica | 1996 | 1999 | An inter-sectoral co-ordination mechanism is being established. | ||||||||||||||
El Salvador | 1995 | Evaluation of resources needed for establishing FIVIMS completed. First working session on FIVIMS planned. | |||||||||||||||
Guatemala | 1993 | Vulnerable groups (VGs) and preparation of VG profiles underway, with FAO support. | |||||||||||||||
Honduras | 1995 | Within the context of the ACC thematic group discussions have taken place on how to advance with the establishment of FIVIMS. | |||||||||||||||
Nicaragua | 1994 | ||||||||||||||||
Panama | 1995 | * | Terms of reference for a consultancy to design a national FIVIMS drafted. | ||||||||||||||
Related activities | FIVIMS activities | 9. Italics - draft/Bold
-final/Hyphen - no date 10. * Under preparation 12.# Key Country |
Latin America and Caribbean - part II
Latin America and Caribbean -part II | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. Expression of interest / request for assistance | 2. Nomination of focal point |
3. Identify and characterise vulnerable groups |
4. Creation of national FIVIMS network |
5. Assessment of existing information systems | 6. Preparation of action plan for FIVIMS | 7. Proposal for donor funding |
8. Integrated Food Security Information System | 9. Plan of Action on Nutrition |
10. Nutrition Country Profile | 11. ACC Thematic group |
12. Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (WFP) |
13. Remarks | |||||||
SOUTH AMERICA : | ||||||||||||||||||||
Argentina | 1996 | 1999 | A plan of action for implementing FIVIMS at district level is being prepared. | |||||||||||||||||
Bolivia | 1995 | 1999 | ||||||||||||||||||
Brazil | 1998 | * | ||||||||||||||||||
Chile | 1996 | 1998 | An inter-sectoral co-ordination mechanism is being established. | |||||||||||||||||
Columbia | 1996 | 1998 | A pilot FIVIMS is planned for Bogota. The method developed will be applied to other areas. | |||||||||||||||||
Ecuador | 1994 | 1999 | # | First information product (Chimborazo Provincial Food Security Profile) produced. Other provincial profiles will follow. | ||||||||||||||||
Guyana | 1994 | |||||||||||||||||||
Paraguay | 1995 | 1999 | Inter-sectoral FIVIMS project has been compiled with technical support from FAO. | |||||||||||||||||
Peru | 1998 | 1998 | Use of geo-referenced data is being promoted. | |||||||||||||||||
Suriname | 1994 | |||||||||||||||||||
Uruguay | - | 1999 | A workshop on the follow-up of the World Food Summit has been organised. | |||||||||||||||||
Venezuela | 1995 | 1998 | Key collaborating institutions have been selected and indicators have been identified. | |||||||||||||||||
Related activities | FIVIMS activities | 9. Italics - draft/Bold -final/Hyphen - no date 10. * Under preparation 12.# Key Country |
Near East and North Africa
Expression of interest / request for assistance |
2 Nomination of focal point | 3 .
Identify and characterise vulnerable groups |
4. Creation of national FIVIMS network |
5. Assessment of existing information systems | 6. Preparation of action plan for FIVIMS |
7. Proposal for donor funding | 8. Integrated Food Security Information System |
9. Plan of Action on Nutrition |
10. Nutrition Country Profile | 11. ACC Thematic group |
12. Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (WFP) | 13. Remarks |
NEAR EAST: | |||||||||||||||||
Afghanistan | # | ||||||||||||||||
Bahrain | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Iran | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Iraq | |||||||||||||||||
Jordan | 1996 | WFP/VAM unit in operation, exploratory discussions regarding utility of FIVIMS held. | |||||||||||||||
Kuwait | 1993 | ||||||||||||||||
Lebanon | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Saudi Arabia | |||||||||||||||||
Syrian Arab Rep. | 1996 | Drafted plan of action for establishing FIVIMS prepared. | |||||||||||||||
Turkey | TCP proposal drafted to assist in the establishment of FIVIMS. | ||||||||||||||||
United Arab Emirates | |||||||||||||||||
Yemen | TCP proposal drafted to assist in the establishment of FIVIMS. | ||||||||||||||||
NORTH AFRICA : | |||||||||||||||||
Algeria | 1994 | ||||||||||||||||
Egypt | 1994 | WFP/VAM unit in operation, exploratory discussions regarding utility of FIVIMS held. | |||||||||||||||
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | |||||||||||||||||
Morocco | 1994 | 1998 | |||||||||||||||
Tunisia | |||||||||||||||||
Related activities | FIVIMS Activities | 9. Italics - draft/Bold
-final/Hyphen - no date 10. * Under preparation 12.# Key Country |
Sub-Saharan Africa - part I
1. Expression of interest/ request for assistance | 2. Nomination of focal point | 3. Identify and characterise vulnerable groups |
4. Creation of nationalFIVIMS network |
5. Assessment of existing information systems | 6. Preparation of action plan for FIVIMS | 7. Proposal for donor funding | 8. Integrated Food Security Information System | 9. Plan of Action on Nutrition |
10. Nutrition Country Profile | 11. ACC Thematic Group |
12. Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (WFP) | 13. Remarks | ||||||||||||||||||
CENTRAL AFRICA: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cameroon | 1996 | FAO provided support to establish a National Food Security and Early Warning Information System SISAAR. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cent. Afr. Rep | 1996 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chad | 1997 | FAO provided support to establish a National Food Security and Early Warning Information System SISAAR. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Congo, Dem. Rep. | 1994 | FAO provided support in establishing the National Food Security and Nutrition Information System (SISAN). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Congo, Rep. | 1995 | * | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gabon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sao Tome-Principe | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WEST AFRICA : | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Benin | 1995 | Project proposal for the establishment of FIVIMS currently under review by FAO. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Burkina Faso | 1995 | 1998 | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cape Verde | 1996 | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cote d'Ivoire | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gambia | - | # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ghana | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guinea | 1994 | 1998 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guinea Bisseau | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Liberia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mali | 1996 | * | Policy analysis module under development within FIVIMS context. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mauritania | 1995 | 1999 | # | Government funding committed for further development of SISAAR to meet FIVIMS objectives. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Niger | 1996 | 1998 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nigeria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Senegal | 1996 | * | # | National committee on food security created. Project proposal in support of FIVIMS prepared. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sierra Leone | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Togo | 1996 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Related activities | FIVIMS activities | 9. Italics - draft/Bold - final. * Under preparation 12. # Key Country | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sub-Saharan Africa part II
1. Expression of interest/ request for assistance | 2. Nomination
of focal point |
3. Identify and characterise vulnerable groups |
4. Creation of nationalFIVIMS network |
5. Assessment of existing information systems | 6. Preparation of action plan for FIVIMS | 7. Proposal for donor funding | 8. Integrated Food Security Information System | 9. Plan of Action on Nutrition |
10. Nutrition Country Profile | 11. ACC Thematic Group |
12. Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (WFP) | 13. Remarks |
EAST AFRICA : | |||||||||||||||||
Burundi | 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
Eritrea | Developed framework for a module on food insecure groups for inclusion in the National Food Information System (NFIS). | ||||||||||||||||
Ethiopia | - | # | Improvements in food needs assessment methodology have been introduced. | ||||||||||||||
Kenya | 1994 | # | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. TCP proposal for early warning system under review. | ||||||||||||||
Rwanda | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Somalia | # | EC-funded Food Security Assessment Unit based in Nairobi meets FIVIMS objectives. | |||||||||||||||
Sudan | 1995 | ||||||||||||||||
Tanzania, United Rep. | 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
Uganda | 1996 | ||||||||||||||||
SOUTHERN AFRICA : | |||||||||||||||||
Angola | 1998 | Organised a national seminar on vulnerability assessment. EC-funded project to support food security information systems development continuing. | |||||||||||||||
Botswana | 1996 | ||||||||||||||||
Comoros | 2000 | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | |||||||||||||||
Lesotho | 1997 | # | |||||||||||||||
Madagascar | 1998 | Included in the EC funded FIVIMS pilot application project. | |||||||||||||||
Malawi | 1995 | FIVIMS incorporated in the UNDP Sustainable Livelihoods Programme. | |||||||||||||||
Mauritius | 1994 | ||||||||||||||||
Mozambique | 1995 | # | Consolidation of the Household Food Security and Nutrition Information Network will meet FIVIMS objectives. | ||||||||||||||
Namibia | 1995 | FIVIMS receives high priority and national funds are committed to strengthen the information system. | |||||||||||||||
South Africa | - | ||||||||||||||||
Swaziland | 1996 | ||||||||||||||||
Zambia | 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
Zimbabwe | - | * | |||||||||||||||
Related activities | FIVIMS activities | 9. Italics - draft/Bold
-final 10. * Under preparation 12. # Key Country |