CCP/01/1 |
Sixty-third Session |
Rome, 6 - 9 March 2001 |
1. Organizational matters
(a) Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons
(b) Adoption of Agenda and Timetable
2. Statement on behalf of the Director-General
3. Review of the World Commodity Situation and Outlook, including Follow-up to Conference Resolution 2/79 on Commodity Trade, Protectionism and Agricultural Adjustment
(a) World Commodity Situation and Outlook
(b) Review of Reporting Activities on Conference Resolution 2/79 on Commodity Trade, Protectionism and Agricultural Adjustment
4. Intergovernmental Action and other Commodity Consultations and Studies under FAO Auspices
(a) Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups including the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal
(b) Role and Functioning of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups
(c) Other Commodity Consultations and Studies
5. Trade Policy Issues
(a) Experience with the Implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
(b) Analysis of Further Trade Expansion Options
(c) FAO Technical Assistance for the Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTNs) in Agriculture
(d) New and Emerging Issues Affecting Agricultural Commodity Markets
6. Activities of other Bodies
(a) Common Fund for Commodities
(b) Others
7. Arrangements for the Sixty-fourth Session
8. Any other business
9. Adoption of Report
The Sixty-third Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems will open at 10.00 hours on Tuesday, 6 March 2001. The Committee is expected to adopt its report on the afternoon of Friday, 9 March 2001.
1. Organizational Matters
(a) Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons
The Committee will elect a Chairperson and a First and Second Vice-Chairperson. These officers will remain in office until the election of a new bureau at the Committee's next Session. The current Chairperson is Mr J. R. Alegrett (Venezuela) and the Vice-Chairpersons are Ms H.W�gerbauer (Austria) and Ms N. Gangadharan (India).
(b) Adoption of Agenda and Timetable
The Provisional Agenda (CCP/01/1) has been prepared in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, taking into account the Committee's Terms of Reference and the suggestions made at the Sixty-second Session. A suggested timetable will be circulated at the opening of the Session.
2. Statement on behalf of the Director-General
A statement on behalf of the Director-General will be delivered.
3. Review of the World Commodity Situation and Outlook, including Follow-up to Conference Resolution 2/79 on Commodity Trade, Protectionism and Agricultural Adjustment
(a) World Commodity Situation and Outlook
In accordance with its Terms of Reference, the Committee will survey the main issues in the world agricultural commodity situation and outlook. Moreover, in accordance with practice since its Fifty-third Session, the Committee will review follow-up action to Conference Resolution 2/79 on Commodity Trade, Protectionism and Agricultural Adjustment. The Secretariat will circulate a document on the principal features and developments in the world commodity situation and short-term outlook. The Committee will also be informed of improvements in the dissemination of commodity market information. (CCP/01/7)
(b) Review of Reporting Activities on Conference Resolution 2/79 on Commodity Trade, Protectionism and Agricultural Adjustment
At its Sixty-second Session, the Committee noted that Conference Resolution 2/79 had been passed twenty years ago, and the Secretariat was asked to review its reporting activities on this Resolution in light of the Uruguay Round Agreements and other developments since 1979. To assist the Committee in undertaking this review the Secretariat will submit a document on the main related developments since the Resolution was passed, with some draft conclusions on future reporting activities for the CCP's decision. (CCP/01/8)
4. Intergovernmental Action and other Commodity Consultations and Studies under FAO auspices
(a) Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups including the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal
The Committee will review the work of its Intergovernmental Commodity Groups which have met since its last Session. The Reports of the Intergovernmental Commodity Group on Bananas and Tropical Fruits, the Joint meeting of the Intergovernmental Groups on Grains and on Rice, the Intergovernmental Group on Tea, the Joint meeting of the Intergovernmental Groups on Hard Fibres and on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, and the Consultative Sub-Committee on Surplus Disposal, will be presented to the Committee for endorsement and consideration as well as advice on future courses of action. Under Agenda item (6), the Committee will be briefed on the commodity development activities sponsored by the various Groups as ICBs designated by the Common Fund for Commodities. The Secretariat will circulate a separate document on this subject. (CCP/01/2,3,4,5,6)
(b) Role and functioning of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups (IGGs)
At its last session the Committee agreed to again review the functioning of its intergovernmental commodity groups, including the adaptation of their work programmes to the World Food Summit Plan of Action, their role under changing international trading conditions and disciplines, and modifications in their operational procedures and commodity coverage. The Secretariat will submit a short report on this subject for guidance by the Committee. (CCP/01/9)
(c) Other Commodity Consultations and Studies
Increasingly in recent years, FAO has been involved in organizing a number of commodity consultations and studies in collaboration with other organizations (e.g. on sugar, cotton, coffee and dairy). These have generated considerable interest and the Secretariat therefore wishes to inform the Committee of these activities and invites the Committee to comment on them. (CCP 01/10)
5. Trade Policy Issues
(a) Experience with the Implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
At its last session, the CCP reviewed an analysis on the impact of the Uruguay Round on
global agricultural commodity markets and requested the Secretariat to continue this work
with additional analysis on food security consequences. A revised report was issued at the
time of the last FAO Conference. The Secretariat will present the CCP with further
analysis on the subject covering: (i) impacts on global commodity markets, on agricultural
trade and on food security;
(ii) experiences of developing countries with implementing the Agriculture Agreement.
(b) Analysis of Further Trade Expansion Options
As part of its ongoing work to assist member countries prepare for the negotiations on agriculture, the Secretariat will present a report on further trade expansion options based on new analysis of tariffs and non-tariff measures, including further evaluation of the post-Uruguay Round tariff environment and identification of tariff peaks and tariff escalation and the implications of various approaches to increased market access for agricultural commodities. (CCP/01/12).
5. Trade Policy Issues (continued)
(c) FAO technical assistance for the Multilateral Trade Negotiations in Agriculture
The CCP at its last session endorsed the Secretariat's programme of technical assistance related to the follow-up to Uruguay Round and in preparation for a new round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations as a high priority activity of FAO. The Secretariat will therefore report briefly on its ongoing and planned technical assistance in this area, focussing particularly on assistance in connection with the multilateral negotiations on agriculture. (CCP/01/13)
(d) New and Emerging Issues Affecting Agricultural Commodity Markets
At recent sessions the Committee has reviewed various technical issues (e.g. biotechnology and environment) as they affect agricultural commodity markets; the Secretariat will present a short report focussing on new and emerging issues affecting commodity markets that have evolved since the last session of the CCP and related ongoing activities in FAO. The report will include a brief assessment of the implications of these developments on trade for the Committee's review. (CCP/01/14)
6. Activities of other Bodies
The Committee will be informed on international action on commodity and trade problems in UNCTAD, WTO and other fora since the Sixty-second Session. Regarding the Common Fund for Commodities, the Secretariat will submit a short report on recent developments on projects and other matters of concern. (CCP/01/15)
7. Arrangements for the Sixty-fourth Session
The Committee will consider the date of its next Session and any relevant organizational matters.
8. Any other business
9. Adoption of Report
The Committee will consider its draft report for adoption. The report of the Sixty-third Session will be submitted to the FAO Council at its One Hundred and Twentieth Session in June 2001.