Graft-transmissible diseases of grapevines
Handbook for detection and diagnosis

Table of contents


Edited by
G.P. Martelli
Professor of Plant Virology
University of Bari, Italy

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ISBN 92-5-1 03245-9

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© FAO 1993








Part I: Detection and identification of specific grapevine diseases or pathogens

True virus diseases

Grapevine degeneration - fanleaf
Grapevine degeneration - European nepoviruses
Grapevine decline - American nepoviruses

Rugose wood complex

Yellow mottle
Line pattern
Ajinashika disease
Grapevine stunt
Roditis leaf discoloration

Viroid diseases

Yellow speckle

Virus-like diseases

Enation disease
Vein necrosis
Vein mosaic and summer mottle
Asteroid mosaic

Diseases induced by phloem- and xylem-limited prokaryotes

Flavescence dorée
Grapevine yellows
Pierce's disease

Part II: Facilities and techniques for identification of diseases and their agents by biological methods

Facilities for growing indicator plants
Indexing on vitis indicators
Use of herbaceous hosts

Part III: Laboratory methods for detection and identification of infectious agents


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) and antibody coating


Detection and identification of viroids
Isolation and analysis of double-stranded RNAs
Western blot

Other methods

Detection of viruses and viroids by molecular hybridization
Extraction of closteroviruses from grapevine tissues
Extraction of phloem-limited isometric viruses from grapevine tissues
Isolation and culture of Xylella fastidiosa

Part IV: Appendixes

Laboratory equipment needed for selected diagnostic procedures