Strategies for sustainable animal agriculture in developing countries

Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation held in Rome, Italy
10–14 December 1990

Edited by
Simon Mack

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ISBN 92-5-103164-9

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Summary of Recommendations

List of participants

Issues related to the sustainable development of livestock production.
by A.W. Qureshi

Strategies for sustainable development of animal agriculture - an FAO perspective.
by V. M. Timon

Sustainable animal agriculture: The role of economics in recent experience and future challenges.
by L.S. Jarvis

Investment for sustainable livestock development in developing countries.
by M. Walshe

Regional policies on food and agriculture and their impact on the advancement of livestock production in the developing countries.
by J. Mulder

The impact of livestock development on environmental change.
by R. Leng

The conservation of genetic resources in the developing countries - A practical way forward.
by F. Madalena

Practical technologies and options for the genetic improvement of livestock in developing countries.
by L. Vaccaro and D.E. Steane

Policy issues in livestock production in arid regions and the management of extensive grazing lands.
by T. Treacher

Practical technologies to optimize feed resources utilization in reference to the needs of animal agriculture in developing countries.
by R. Leng

Practical technologies for the optimal use of tropical pastures and rangelands in traditional and improved livestock production systems.
by L. 't Mannetje

Practical technologies for mixed small farm systems in developing countries.
by C. Devendra and H. Li Pun

Cost-effective disease control procedures and animal health management in animal agriculture in developing countries.
by S. Chema and D. Ward

Partnerships: The effective harnessing of research for the advancement of animal agriculture in developing countries.
by J. Walsh

Education and training needs of animal agriculture in developing countries.
by A.J. Smith and A. Hunter

Strategies for effective extension services to guide the advancement of animal agriculture in developing countries.
by S.D. Mack and S. Fernandez-Baca

Farming systems methods in the planning, implementation and monitoring of sustainable livestock development projects.
by P. Amir and A.S. Akhtar

The role of state sponsored and co-operatively organized support services in milk production, processing and marketing in developing countries.
by P. Aneja

The role of state sponsored and co-operatively organized support services in meat production, processing and marketing in developing countries.
by D. Long

Lessons from field development of livestock projects with special reference to large ruminant production.
by G.A. Smith

Strategies for sustainable development of small ruminants: Burundi - a case study
by R. Branckaaert

Lessons from field experience in the development of poultry production.
by W. Bessei

Toward sustainable poultry production in Africa.
by E.B. Sonaiya

Lessons from field experience in the development of monogastric production.
by A. Verhulst