The Emergency Sequence: Phase Four - Immediate Needs Assessment Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - 1998 |
2.1.1 Roles and Responsibilities in Impact Assessments
2.1.2 Working Towards Integrated Emergency Missions
2.2.1 The Why and How of Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions
2.2.2 Assessing the Impact of Disasters on National Food Supply and Demand
2.2.3 Assessing Needs for Imported Food Assistance
2.2.4 Assessing Needs for Emergency Food Assistance for Affected Groups
2.2.5 Other Kinds of Food Assistance Needs
AGAH | Animal Health Service |
AGPP | Plant Protection Service |
AGSE | Agricultural Engineering Service |
CCD | Cold Cloud Duration |
CFSAM | Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission |
CSO | Central Statistical Office |
CWSI | Crop Water Satisfaction Index |
DES | Dietary Energy Supply |
ECG | Emergency Coordination Group |
EMPRES | Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases |
ESAF | Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis |
ESCG | Global Information and Early Warning Service |
ESN | Food and Nutrition Division |
EWFIS | Early Warning and Food Information System |
FAOR | FAO Representative |
FEWS | United States Famine Early Warning Service |
FISNIS | Food Security and Nutrition Information System |
FSR | Food Security Reserve |
GIEWS | Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture |
IASC | Inter-Agency Standing Committee |
IDA | Image Display and Analysis Software |
IFAR | Imported Food Assistance Requirement |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
NFBS | National Food Balance Sheet |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
OCD | Office for Normative, Operational and Decentralised Activities |
OCHA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian |
SGR | Strategic Grain Reserve |
SQE | Status Quo Estimate |
TCAR | Policy Coordinating Service |
TCI | Investment Centre Division |
TCOR | Special Relief Operations Service |
TER | Total Energy Requirement |
UMR | Usual Marketing Requirement |
UNDP/UNDRO | United Nations Development Programme/Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator |
UNHCR | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
WFP | World Food Programme |