Forestry Outlook Study For Africa. Second FOSA workshop for the West Africa Sub-Region (ECOWAS), Thiès (Senegal), 7 to 10 November 2000

COVERForestry Outlook Study for Africa (FOSA)

Second FOSA workshop for the West Africa Sub-Region (ECOWAS),

Thiès (Senegal), 7 to 10 November 2000

Summary of the workshop and recommendations

Table of Contents



Table of Contents


Objectives workshop in Thiès

Presentations of national documents


Assessment of the Thiès workshop


List of Participants

Annex 1. Introduction note of the FAO Representative in Senegal

Annex 2. Technical introduction - summary of the powerpoint presentation.

Annexe 3: Results of the discussions about the main trends and small signals (or little advance whistles) of possible future development.

Annex 4: Exercise: scenarios for the forestry sector development in NIBEGALISO

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