TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME FAO LIBRARY AN: 391413 TCP/SRL/6614 Field Document No. 3 REPORT OF MISSION TO SRI LANKA BASED ON THE WORK OFCarlos A. Lima Dos Santos. FAO Senior Fishery Industry Officer (Quality) Fish Utilization and Marketing Service |
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The Food and Agriculture Organization is greatly indebted to the organizations and individuals who assisted in the implementation of the project by providing information, advice and facilities.
The Author wishes to acknowledge the valuable support received from Government Officials, Industry Personnel and FAO colleagues during his mission. A particular acknowledgement to Sri Lankan colleagues Mr.A. M. Jayasekara, MFARD; Dr. Siriwardena, NARA; Mr. Mahinda Kulathilaka, MFARD; Dr. R. Subasinghe, FAO (FIRI); and Dr. S. Subasinghe (INFOFISH). Their personal involvement and efforts made possible the fulfilment of the mission's terms of reference.
A very special thanks to the industries who allowed their installations to be visited, namely, ALPEX MARINE (Pvt) Ltd. and NUWAN SEAFOODS (Pvt) Ltd., Thoduwawa. Their HACCP-plans, and SSOP programmes were analysed by the participants of the two workshops during the mission. Without their high spirit of collaboration it would have been impossible to perform the field exercises which are essential for the success of HACCP training.
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3.1 Application of HACCP at shrimp farm level
3.2 Application of HACCP at shrimp processing plant level
3.3 Fish Inspection and Quality Control at Government level
3.3.2. Swedish assistance programme
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
ANNEX III Persons Met
ANNEX IV Programme, National Workshop on the design and application of the HACCP concept at shrimp farm and processing plant level, Sri Lanka, 4–6 August 1998 and list of participants
ANNEX V Programme, National Workshop-FAO/DANDIDA/ INFOFISH on the Introduction to the verification and auditing of HACCP systems, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28–31 July 1998 and list of participants