Alex N. Fedoruk and Kamonporn Pawaputanon
Programme for the Development of Pond Management Techniques
and Disease Control (DoF - UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)
National Inland Fisheries Institute
Bangkok, Thailand
The “Programme for the Development of Pond Management Techniques and Disease Control (THA/75/012)” was implemented in Thailand during 1979–82 as a joint project by the Department of Fisheries (DoF) and UNDP/FAO. The purpose of the project was to improve DoF support services for Clarias farming through strengthening:
the skills of Fisheries staff in aquaculture disciplines such as disease diagnosis and treatment, pond management and extension,
the research on solutions for problematical aspects of Clairas culture,
the system of relaying problems from the farms to DoF and of transferring improved technologies, and
the equipment and facility base of DoF for working on aquaculture problems.
Although the UNDP/FAO participation was structured terminate in August 1981, DoF committed continuation of the project to at least August 1982.
This report is one of several Working Papers prepared on various aspects of the project. A list of titles of reports completed in the series is annexed.
Inquiries concerning the subject matter of any particular report should be directed to the author,
c/o | The Director National Inland Fisheries Institute Kasetsart University Campus Bangkhen, Bangkok 9 Thailand |
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Alex N. Fedoruk2 and Kamonporn Pawaputanon3
Culture of the walking catfish (chiefly Clarias batrachus with some C. macrocephalus) started in Thailand during the late 1950's. Operations were initially concentrated in proximity to the city of Bangkok but they now occur throughout the country. The current production of farmed Clarias is about 11,000 metric tons/year.
A written record of information has accumulated on Clarias and its culture in Thailand over the past 20 years. It largely comprises reports by government agencies and universities which account the results of field and laboratory research and of observations on the artisanal practices of Clarias farmers. Most of the reports are recorded in Thai and are in mimeograph or manuscript form but some have been published in local journals, some are written in English and some have an English summary or abstract.
This bibliography presents a list of reports, regardless of status, on Clarias in Thailand that were available by June 1981. Although the search for titles was extensive some omissions still may occur. Routine “Annual Reports of the Thai Department of Fisheries” which largely present production statistics including some on Clarias from both capture and culture fisheries are not included in the list; they presently exist for the year 1952 to 1978.
2 Senior Fisheries Biologist, UNDP/FAO project THA/75/012, Bangkok, Thailand.
1. Anonymous. 1977.
Production costs and incomes from Clarias farms, Makham Lom
Commune, Bang Pla Ma District, Suphanburi Province. Economics
Production Section, Division of Agriculture Economics, Ministry
of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Bangkok, Thailand, No. 37(1),
19p. (in Thai).
(See Varikul and Fedoruk, 1981, this bibliography)
Key words: Pond culture (grow-out) - Case study - Economic analysis -Culture
techniques - Clarias batrachus.
2. Anonymous. 1979.
Catfish - easy to culture. In: Community Fisheries Program, Occ.
Paper, Fisheries Extension and Conservation, Department of Fisheries,
Thailand: 24–36. (in Thai).
Key words: Culture system - Clarias batrachus.
3. Anonymous. 1980a.
Freshwater fish resources in major waters in Thailand. Tech. Paper
No. 1(1980), National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand, 137p. (in Thai).
Key words: Occurrence and distribution - Pisces (including Clarias spp.).
4. Anonymous. 1980b.
Fish composition, and abundance and the fisheries in Chamrang Swamp,
Chainat Province. Tech. Report No. 1, Fish Population Unit, National
Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 11p.
(in Thai).
Key words: Occurrence and distribution - Pisces (incl. Clarias spp.).
5. Areerat, S. 1970.
Fishes of the family Clariidae found in Thailand. Tech. Report No. 9
(1970), Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 18p. (in Thai).
Key words: Systematics - Taxonomic characteristics - Clariidae.
6. Areerat, S. 1974a.
Dropsy (septicemia) at the base of pectoral fin in pla duk. In:
Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand: 80–84. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Clarias batrachus.
7. Areerat, S. 1974b.
Prevention of catfish disease. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen
Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 85–87.
(in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Prophylaxis - Clarias batrachus.
8. Areerat, S. 1978a.
Prevention and treatment of fish disease. Tech. Paper No. 3(1978),
National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries,
Thailand, 8p. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Parasites - Cultured fish (incl. Clarias
batrachus and C. macrocephalus).
9. Areerat, S. 1978b.
Prevention of catfish diseases. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 31(1): 41–45.
(in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Trichodina spp. - Gyrodactylus spp.-Prophylaxis
- Clarias spp.
10. Areerat, S. 1978c.
Disease of pla duk (Clarias batrachus) and how to control them.
IDRC Workshop on Tropical Fish Diseases, Bogor, Indonesia, 28 Nov.-1
Dec., 1978, 3p.
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Trichodina spp. - Gyrodactylus spp.-Prophylaxis
- Clarias batrachus.
11. Areerat, S. 1979a.
Swelling of the lateral body wall in the area near the pectoral fins
of pla duk (Clarias batrachus). Tech. Paper No. 1(1979), National
Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 9p.
(in Thai with English summary).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Trichodina spp. - Gyrodactylus spp.-Prophylaxis
- Clarias batrachus.
12. Areerat, S. 1979b.
Control of parasites of Clarias batrachus. In: Inaugural Report
(1976–1978) of the National Inland Fisheries Institute. Department
of Fisheries, Thailand: 84–85.
Key words: Ectoparasites - Prophylaxis - Clarias batrachus.
13. Areerat, S. 1979c.
Prevention of Aeromonas disease in Clarias batrachus. In: Inaugural
Report (1976–1978) of the National Inland Fisheries Institute), Department
of Fisheries, Thailand: 85.
Key words: Aeromonas disease - Prophylaxis - Clarias batrachus.
14. Bamrungsook, S. and Chalaem, T. 1970.
Study on the diseases and parasites of pla duk, Clarias sp., in
ponds. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station
Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 191–200. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Ectoparasites - Clarias batrachus.
15. Bamrungsook, S. 1971.
Studies on the effect of formalin in the culture of pla duk dan.
In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand: 168–174. (in Thai).
Key words: Ectoparasite prophylaxis - Trichodina spp.
Gyrodactylus spp. - Dactylogyrus spp. - Clarias batrachus.
16. Bamrungsook, S. and Ruaysap, P. 1971.
Studies on the effect of antibiotics in the culture of pla duk dan,
Clarias batrachus. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station,
Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 149–160. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Antibiotic prophylaxis -Clarias
17. Bannasopit, T. 1959.
Experiment on the culture of Clarias batrachus fry. B.Sc., thesis,
Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 42p. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry rearing - Fry nutrition - Clarias batrachus.
18. Barica, J. 1976.
Catfish mortalities in farm ponds: In: Nutrient dynamics in eutrophic
inland waters used for aquaculture, FAO Working Paper, Ref., SCS/76/
WP 24: 18–22.
Key words: Consultancy report - Pond culture (grow-out) - Water
quality problems - Management recommendations -Clarias
19. Boonnag, C. 1967.
Catfish breeding. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 30(2): 197–200. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry propogation - Breeding ponds - Disease -Clarias
20. Boonpram, M., Tanchalanukit, W. and Suraneeranat, P. 1977.
Experiment on hybridization of freshwater catfish, Clarias macro-cephalus
Gunther and C. batrachus Linn. Kasetsart Extension Journal,
23(7): 45–61. (in Thai).
Key words: Hybridization - Clarias batrachus - C. macrocephalus.
21. Chomdej, V. 1962.
On the feeding of pla duk (Clarias batrachus Linn.) with four
kinds of feed. B.Sc., thesis, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart
University, Thailand 46p. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry rearing - Cage culture - Fry nutrition -Clarias
22. Chotiyanwongse, A. 1978.
Nutritional values of some fishes and shellfishes. Thai Fisheries
Gazette, 31(2): 153–168. (in Thai).
Key words: Proximate analysis - Clarias batrachus.
23. Chuapoehuk, W. and Pothisoong, T. 1978a.
Comparison of growth and survival of Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus)
larvae fed dry and wet pelleted feeds. Occasional Paper, Faculty
of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 7p. (in Thai).
Key words: Larval nutrition - Fry culture - Clarias batrachus.
24. Chuapoehuk, W. and Pothisoong, T. 1978b.
A preliminary study on the production of Clarias batrachus
(Linnaeus) fed on a hard pellet in ponds. Thai Fisheries Gazette,
31(4): 313–318. (in Thai).
Key words: Nutrition - Grow-out culture - Artificial feed -Production
- Clarias batrachus.
25. Colman, J. and Chinabut, S. 1981.
Water Conditions as Limiting Factors in Clarias Culture. FAO
Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 16, 10p.
Key words: Water chemistry - Growth - Survival - Histopathology -Clarias
26. Dhamrongrat, S. and Kasesunchi, P. 1965.
Feeds for catfish (Clarias batrachus Linn.) fry. Thai Fisheries
Gazette, 18(3): 291–313. (in Thai).
(See Dhamrongrat, S. and Kasesunchi, P. 1981, this bibliography)
Key words: Fry nutrition - Nursing technology - Fry production -Clarias
27. Dhamrongrat, S. and Kasesunchi, P. 1981.
Feeds for catfish (Clarias batrachus Linn.) fry. FAO Working Paper,
Ref., THA/75/012/WP 11, 10p.
(See Dhamrongrat, S. and Kasesunchi, P. 1965, this bibliography)
Key words: Fry nutrition - Nursing technology - Fry production -Clarias
28. Duangswasdi, M. and Raikuntod, W. 1973.
Creel survey and fishing operations in Ubol Ratana Reservoir.
In: Annual Report of the Ubol Ratana Reservoir Fisheries Station,
Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 82p. (in Thai).
Key words: Species composition - Commercial fishery - Pisces
(incl. Clarias spp.)
29. Fedoruk, A.N. 1981.
A management perspective on stress and infectious diseases in
Clarias farming. FAO Working Paper, Ref, THA/75/012/WP 10, 9p.
Key words: Stress and stressors - Management - Clarias spp.
30. Hepher, B. 1981.
Management and research appoaches in Clarias culture, Thailand.
FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 13, 5p.
Key words: Consultancy report - Pond culture - International
perspective - Water quality problems - Research approaches -Clarias
31. Huet, M. 1952.
Breeding and Cultivation of Clarias in the Far East: 213–214.
In: Huet, Marcel (1952), Textbook of Fish Culture - Breeding and
Cultivation of Fish. Fishing News (Books) Ltd., London, 430p.
Key words: Reproduction - Fingerling and grow-out production -Clarias
32. Inoue, K. and Swegan S. 1970.
Economic survey of catfish culture in Suphanburi Province, Thailand.
Thai Fisheries Gazette, 23(2): 251–269.
Key words: Pond culture (grow-out) - Economic analysis - Demand
and supply - Clarias spp.
33. Kaewka, N. 1977.
Economics of catfish production in Thailand 1976. Division of
Agriculture Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,
Thailand, No. 42, 72p. (in Thai).
Key words: Occurrence and distribution of Clarias farming.
Economic analysis - Culture technology - Clarias spp.
34. Kate-Pasook, W. and Fedoruk, A. 1981.
Selected Clarias bibliography from countries other than Thailand.
FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 20, 12p.
Key words: Bibliography - Clarias spp.
35. Kloke, C.W. and Potaros, M. 1975.
The technology and economics of catfish (Clarias spp.) farming
in Thailand. Indo-Pacific Council, Occasional Paper 1975/2, 18p.
Key words: Pond culture (grow-out) - Case studies - Culture methods -Economic
analysis - Clarias batrachus - C. macrocephalus.
36. Leenanonth, Y. 1981.
Life history of pla duk dan (Clarias batrachus Linnaeus). Tech.
Report No. 1/1981, National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand, 65p. (in Thai with English abstract).
Key words: Research overview - Systematics - Taxonomy - Biology -Culture
technology - Disease - Marketing - Clarias batrachus.
37. Lerdprasert, N. 1960.
Culture of Clarias in cages. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 13(4): 303–360.
(in Thai).
Key words: Cage culture - Clarias batrachus.
38. Ling, S.W. 1977.
Walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) culture. 56–59, In: Ling, Shao-Wen
(1977), Aquaculture in Southeast Asia, A Historical Overview.
A Washington Sea Grant Publication, University of Washington Press,
Seattle, 108p.
Key words: Aquaculture - Southeast Asia - Thailand - Clarias batrachus.
39. Meenakarn, S. and Ayles, G.B. 1977.
Notes on the production of Clarias macrocephalus fry in Thailand.
Unpublished Mss., National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand, 3p.
Key words: Fry propogation - Moina culture - Clarias macrocephalus.
40. Mongkolprasit, S. 1972.
Ichthylogy: A Practical Study. Occasional Paper, Faculty of Fisheries,
Kasetsart University, Thailand, 46p. (in Thai).
Key words: Intestine morphology - Clarias batrachus.
41. Muangboon, M. 1961.
Collecting Clarias fry from natural waters. Thai Fisheries Gazette,
14(2): 105–111. (in Thai).
(See Muangboon, 1981, this bibliography)
Key words: Spawning behaviour - Fry production - Collecting technology -Clarias
42. Muangboon, M. 1981.
Collecting Clarias fry from natural waters. FAO Working Paper,
Ref., THA/75/012/WP 4, 3p.
(See Muangboon. 1961, this bibliography)
Key words: Spawning behaviour - Fry production - Collecting technology -Clarias
43. Muir, J. 1981.
Management in Clarias culture, Thailand. FAO Working Paper, Ref.,
THA/75/012/WP 3, 30p.
Key words: Consultancy report - Overview - Culture technology -Management
- Environmental control - Economics - Research
recommendations - Clarias spp.
44. National Inland Fisheries Institute, Thailand and Institute of Aquaculture,
Stirling, Scotland. 1981. Preliminary list of diseases of cultured
Clarias in Thailand. FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 5, 6p.
Key words: Diseases (parasitic, bacterial, nutritional) - Clarias spp.
45. Nawaratana, A., M.L. 1974.
Sir: We are exhausting pla duk. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 27(1): 17–22.
(in Thai).
Key words: Conservation - Pollution - Disease - Clarias batrachus -C.
46. Nawaratana, A., M.L. 1976.
The great value of farm fish ponds in Suphanburi Province. Thai Fisheries
Gazette, 26(2): 201–207. (in Thai).
Key words: Walking catfish culture - Management recommendations -Clarias
47. Ngamvongehon, S. 1981.
Preliminary study on the use of urine from pregnant women to induce
spawning in Clarias macrocephalus. M.S., thesis, Faculty of Environment
and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. (in preparation)
(in Thai).
Key words: Controlled reproduction - Hormone implantation - Clarias
48. Nguitragool, M. 1975.
Rancidity of frozen catfish. Research project No. F:3.2/18, Faculty
of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 8p. (in Thai).
Key words: Shelf life - Rancidity - Organoleptic scoring - Clarias
49. Nilsri, A. 1973.
Catfish culture at Amphoe Bang Pla Ma, Suphanburi Province. Thai
Fisheries Gazette, 26(4): 529–534. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry propogation - Pond culture (grow-out) - Disease -Clarias
50. Panayotou, T., Wattanatchariya, S., Invilanonda, S. and R. Tokrisna. 1981.
The Economics of Catfish Farming in Thailand. ICLARM Technical Report
Series (in press), KURDI and ICLARM, Bangkok and Manila.
Key words: Clarias culture - Economic analysis - Production efficiency -Clarias
51. Parienyarat, S. 1966.
Preliminary studies on the biology of Pla Duk Dan, Clarias batrachus
(Linn.). B.Sc., thesis, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University,
Thailand, 51p. (in Thai).
Key words: Natural occurrence and distribution - Taxonomic
characteristics - Condition indices - Clarias batrachus.
52. Pawaputanon, K. and Chinabut, S. 1973.
Bacterial diseases of pla duk. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen
Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 65–76. (in Thai
with English summary).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Antibiotics - Clarias batrachus.
53. Pawaputanon, O. 1965.
The cultivation of pla duk (Clarias batrachus Linn.) in the vicinity
of Bangkok. B.Sc., thesis, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University,
Thailand, 34p. (in Thai).
Key words: Culture technology - Pond water characteristics -Clarias
54. Pawaputanon, K. 1974.
General information on fish disease. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 27(3):
329–339. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas spp. - Parasites - Pisces (incl.Clarias spp.
55. Pennapaporn, P. 1968.
Feeding rate of pla duk dan, Clarias batrachus Linn. In: Annual Report
of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand:
203–218. (in Thai).
Key words: Feeding rates - Digestion rate - Nursing technology -Clarias
56. Petcharoen, S. 1964.
The effect of oxytetracycline and vitamin B12 in diets of young
pla duk (Clarias batrachus Linn.). M.S., thesis, Faculty of Fisheries,
Kasetsart University, Thailand, 47p. (in Thai).
Key words: Diseases - Antibiotics - Vitamin fortification of diets -Fingerling
nursing - Clarias batrachus.
57. Phinyoying, S. and Udomwantaluk, S. 1973.
Experiments on spawning pla duk oui. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen
Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 13–18. (in Thai).
Key words: Controlled reproduction - Fry culture technology -Clarias
58. Poonsuk, K. and Saitanu, K. 1980.
In vitro susceptibility of Aeromonas hydrophila strains isolated from
catfish (Clarias batrachus) to fourteen antimicrobial agents. Journal
of Aquatic Animal Diseases, 3(1): 9–14. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Aeromonas hydrophila - Antibiotics - Clarias
59. Potaros, M. and Bualoy, P. 1971.
Cage culture of Clarias batrachus Linn. In: Annual Report of the
Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 112–114.
(in Thai).
Key words: Cage culture technology - Clarias batrachus.
60. Potaros, M. and Supachalut, M. 1973a.
Experiment on feeding Clarias batrachus with pellet feeds. In: Annual
Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries,
Thailand: 77–81. (in Thai).
Key words: Nutrition - Artificial feed - Clarias batrachus.
61. Potaros, M. and Supachalut, M. 1973b.
Using carbohydrate feed stuffs mixed with ground trash fish as feed
for Clarias. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station,
Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 82–86. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond culture - Nutrition - Clarias spp.
62. Pothongkam, K. 1970.
Embryological and morphological development of pla duk dan, Clarias
batrachus (Linnaeus). In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries
Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 71–82. (in Thai).
Key words: Developmental biology - Clarias batrachus.
63. Punjamapirom, S. 1967.
Chemical composition of the flesh of eleven fish species. Thai
Fisheries Gazette, 20(4): 659–665. (in Thai).
Key words: Proximate composition - Clarias batrachus.
64. Roberts, R.J. 1981.
Assessment of the program for the UNDP/FAO supported catfish project
in Thailand. FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 19, 5p.
Key words: Consultancy report - Project assessment - Clarias spp.
65. Sae-Eng, P. 1979.
Studies on water chemistry characteristics of catfish (Clarias
batrachus) ponds. In: Annual Report of the Suphanburi Fisheries
Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 32–55. (in Thai).
Key words: Culture ponds - Water chemistry characteristics -Production
- Mortality incidences - Clarias batrachus.
66. Sangchan, U. 1976.
Production of catfish fry at Amphoe Ban Pho, Chachoengsao Province.
Kasetsart Extension Journal, 21(2): 37–43. (in Thai).
Key words: Controlled breeding technology - Fry production -Nursing
technology - Clarias batrachus.
67. Sangkakul, S. and Srisuwantach, V. 1973.
Spawning season of fishes in Bang Pakong River. In: Annual Report
of the Fisheries Research Unit, Inland Fisheries Division, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand: 7–25. (in Thai).
Key words: Gonad development - Sex ratio - Maturation coefficient -Clarias
68. Sidthimunka, A. 1972a.
The culture of pla duk (Clarias spp.). Technical Paper No. 11(1972),
Inland Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 16p.
(in Thai).
Key words: Culture system overview - Fry propogation - Grow-out
technology - Research recommendations - Clarias spp.
69. Sidthimunka, A. 1972b.
The culture of pla duk (Clarias spp.). Technical Report No. 12(1972),
Inland Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 17p.
Key words: Overview Clarias culture - Fry production system -Grow-out
technology - Problems and recommended research -Clarias
70. Sidthimunka, A. 1972c.
Production of catfish (Clarias spp.) and its problems in Thailand.
Tech. Report, Fisheries Survey Unit, Inland Fisheries Division,
Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 15p.
Key words: Pond culture - Biology - Seed propogation - Culture
technology - Disease - Problems - Management - Clarias
batrachus and C. macrocephalus.
71. Sidthimunka, A. 1973a.
Culture of catfish on Thailand farms. Fish Farming International,
1: 81–83.
Key words: Culture system review - Clarias spp.
72. Sidthimunka, A. 1973b.
Length-weight relationships of freshwater fishes of Thailand.
International Center for Aquaculture Research and Development, Series
No. 3, Auburn University, 25p.
Key words: Length-weight relationship - Condition index -Clarias
73. Sidthimunka, A. 1976.
Length-weight relationships of relationships of freshwater fishes
of Thailand. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 29(4): 432–444.
Key words: Length-weight relationship - Condition index -Pisces
(incl. Clarias spp.)
74. Sidthimunka, A. and Aguru, P. 1959.
Propogation of Clarias fry in ponds. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 12(3):
253–259. (in Thai).
Key words: Breeding technology - Controlled reproduction -Fry
production - Clarias batrachus.
75. Sidthimunka, A. and Bhukaswan, T. 1977.
Catfish culture in Thailand: Its management, prospects and problems.
First Asean Meeting of Experts on Aquaculture - Technical Report,
Semarang, Indonesia, 31 January - 6 February 1977 FAO Report, Ref.,
ASEAN 77/FA.Eg.A/Rpt. 2: 187–194.
Key words: Seed production - Stocking rates - Feeding rates -Production
- Problems - Prospects - Research and
management recommendations - Clarias sp.
76. Sidthimunka, A., Sanglert, J. and Pawaputanon, O. 1966.
The culture of catfish (Clarias spp.) in Thailand, Proceedings of
the World Symposium on Warmwater Fish Culture, Rome, May 1966. FAO
Fisheries Report No. 44(5): 196–204.
Key words: Culture system overview - Clarias spp.
77. Sirikarn, P. 1968.
The structures and function of the air bladders in some catfishes.
B.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand,
126p. (in Thai).
Key words: Air bladder morphology - Clarias spp.
78. Sitasit, P. 1968.
Water chemistry characteristics of pla duk ponds in Samutprakarn
Province. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhan Fisheries Station,
Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 107–139. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond chemistry - Culture operations (grow-out) -Feeding
practices - Clarias batrachus.
79. Sitasit, P. 1970a.
Freshwater catfish farming in Samutprakarn Province. Thai Fisheries
Gazette, 23(1): 61–71. (in Thai with English summary).
Key words: Pond culture (grow-out) technology - Problems -Clarias
80. Sitasit, P. 1970b.
An experiment on culturing Clarias batrachus in cages. In: Annual
Report of the Freshwater Pond Culture Section (Bangkhen Fisheries
Station), Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 160–176. (in Thai).
Key words: Cage culture - Feed - Production - Clarias batrachus.
81. Sitasit, P. 1971a.
An experiment on hatching Clarias batrachus in ponds. In: Annual
Report of the Freshwater Pond Culture Section (Bangkhen Fisheries
Station), Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 98–106. (in Thai with
English summary).
Key words: Fry propogation - Fecundity - Nursing technology -Clarias
82. Sitasit, P. 1971b.
Comparison of the growth rate and production of Clarias batrachus
with Clarias macrocephalus. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries
Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 133–148. (in Thai).
Key words: Tank culture - Growth - Production - Food costs -Clarias
batrachus - Clarias macrocephalus.
83. Sitasit, P. 1979a.
Trials of feeding pla duk fry with a sinking pellet. Unpublished
Mss., National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries,
Thailand. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry nutrition - Artificial feed - Clarias macrocephalus.
84. Sitasit, P. 1979b.
Preliminary trials comparing three kinds of feed for Clarias fry.
Unpublished Mss., National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry nutrition - Fortified diets - Artificial feed -Clarias
85. Sitasit, P. 1980.
Feed formulations for catfish. Unpublished Mss., Nutrition and
Diseases Unit, National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand. 11p. (in Thai).
Key words: Artificial feed - Clarias spp.
86. Sitasit, P. 1981a.
Nursing pla duk dan fry with artificial feed. Thai Fisheries
Gazette, 34(2): 169–176. (in Thai with English abastract).
Key words: Fry rearing - Fry production - Nutrition -Clarias
87. Sitasit, P. 1981b.
Comparison of NIFI diet No. 12 and trash fish fortified with a premix
as feed for Clarias batrachus fry. Unpublished Mss., National Inland
Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 8p. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry nutrition - Fry production - Clarias batrachus.
88. Sitasit, P. 1981c.
Preliminary study on rearing juvenile Clarias batrachus with pellet
feed. Unpublished Mss., National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand, 4p. (in Thai).
Key words: Nutrition - Artificial feed - Clarias batrachus.
89. Sitasit, P. 1981d.
Breeding and nursing Clarias fry - the traditional practice. Thai
Fisheries Gazette, 34(3): 327–336. (in Thai with English abstract).
Key words: Fry propogation - Clarias batrachus.
90. Sitasit, P. and Fedoruk, A. 1981.
Summary of the report (unpublished Mss.), “Raising Clarias Fry
on an Artificial Diet”. FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 9,
Key words: Fry nutrition - Fry production - Clarias batrachus.
91. Sidthiudomchai, S. 1977.
The catfish (Pla Duk) of Suphanburi. Thai Fisheries Gazette,
30(1): 103–105. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond culture - Management problems - Clarias spp.
92. Skulpone, P. 1972.
The cat-fish farm of a hundred rai. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 25(4):
535–543. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond culture - Case study - Clarias batrachus.
93. Smith, H.M. 1954.
Family Clariidae. pp. 346–353, In: Smith Hugh M. (1945), The Freshwater
Fishes of Siam or Thailand. Bull. 188, Smithsonian Inst., U.S. National
Museum, U.S. Gov't Printing Office, Washington, 622p.
Key words: Systematics - Taxonomy - Distribution - Clariidae.
94. Songsri, S. 1972.
Seasonal variation in gonadotropin content of the pituitary of Clarias
batrachus (Linn.). M.S., thesis, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart
University, Thailand, 44p. (in Thai).
Key words: Endocrinology - Clarias batrachus.
95. Srisuwantach, V. 1981a.
Length-weight relationship of Clarias batrachus. FAO Working Paper,
Ref., THA/75/012/WP 21.
Key words: Length-weight relationship - Clarias batrachus.
96. Srisuwantach, V. 1981b.
Length-weight relationship and condition indices of cultured Clarias.
FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 22.
Key words: Length-weight relationship - Condition index - Clarias
97. Srisuwantach, V. 1981c.
Growth rates of cultured Clarias. FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/
WP 23.
Key words: Specific growth rate - Growth increments - Clarias batrachus.
98. Srisuwantach, V. Soungchomphan, R. and Sae-Eng, P. 1980.
Water quality conditions as disease related stressors in Clarias
ponds. Tech. Report, Ecology Unit, National Inland Fisheries
Institute, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 33p.
(See Srisuwantach, et. al., 1981, this bibliography)
Key words: Pond culture (grow-out) - Environmental conditions -Production
- Clarias batrachus.
99. Srisuwantach, V. Soungchomphan, R. and Sae-Eng, P. 1981.
Water quality conditions as disease related stressors in Clarias
pond culture. FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 7, 24p.
(See Srisuwantach, et. al., 1980, this bibliography)
Key words: Pond culture (grow-out) - Environmental conditions -Production
- Clarias batrachus.
100. Srisuwantach, V., Soungchomphan, R. and Sitasit, P. 1981.
Comparison of the effects of trash fish and pelleted diets in Clarias
grow-out operations. FAO Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 15, 23p.
Key words: Water quality - Feeds - Production - Clarias batrachus.
101. Tacon, A.J. and Beveridge, M. 1981.
Analysis of NIFI Clarias diet No. 12. FAO Working Paper, Ref.,
THA/75/012/WP 8, 2p.
Key words: Consultancy report - Feed analysis - Constituent deficiencies.
102. Taechajanta, K. and Sitasit, P. 1980.
A study on rearing Clarias macrocephalus fry with artificial feed.
Unpublished Mss., Fish Feed and Disease Section, National Inland
Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 16p. (in Thai).
(See Taechajanta, K. and Sitasit, P. 1981a, this bibliography)
Key words: Fry nutrition - Fry production - Feed costs - Clarias
103. Taechajanta, K. and Sitasit, P. 1981a.
Assessment of a vitamin and mineral premix in an artificial feed for
pla duk oui (Clarias macrocephalus) fry. FAO Working Paper, Ref.,
THA/75/012/WP 12, 6p.
(See Taechajanta, K. and Sitasit, P. 1980, this bibliography)
Key words: Fry nutrition - Fry production - Feed costs -Clarias
104. Taechajanta, K. and Sitasit, P. 1981b.
Comparison of production of pla duk (Clarias batrachus) fry fed
trash fish with and without a vitamin and mineral supplement.
Unpublished Mss., National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand. (in Thai).
Key words: Fry nutrition - Fry production - Clarias batrachus.
105. Tanchalanukit, W. 1969.
Biology of pla duk dan. pp. 393–396, In: Handbook on the Principles
of Hatchery Management, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University,
Thailand, 488p. (in Thai).
Key words: Biology - Clarias batrachus.
106. Tanchalanukit, W. 1979.
Trash fish - protein diet of catfish. Kasetsart Extension Journal,
24(1): 1–31. (in Thai).
Key words: Trash fish composition - Nutrition - Clarias spp.
107. Tangtrongpairoj, M. 1968.
The culture of pla duk dan (Clarias batrachus Linn.) with mixed
diets containing 10 percent protein. B.Sc., thesis, Faculty of
Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 38p. (in Thai).
Key words: Nutrition - Clarias batrachus.
108. Thonguthai, K. 1965a.
The effects of oxytetracycline in diets enriched with vitamin B12
and salt for reducing mortality in pla duk culture. In: Annual
Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries,
Thailand: 101–108. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond culture - Mortalities - Management - Clarias batrachus.
109. Thonguthai, K. 1965b.
Study on the general information on fish parasites in some kinds of
fishes. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand: 109–117. (in Thai).
Key words: Parasites - Pisces (incl. Clarias spp.)
110. Thonguthai, K. 1967.
Determination of suitable stocking rates of pla duk which give the
maximum production. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries
Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 61–69. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond culture - Stocking rates - Clarias spp.
111. Thonguthai, K. 1968a.
Parasites in some kinds of fish. In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen
Fisheries Station, Department of Fisheries, Thailand: 156–158.
(in Thai).
Key words: Fish parasites - Clarias spp.
112. Thonguthai, K. 1968b.
Some chemicals reagents used for fish parasites and diseases. In:
Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand: 159–176. (in Thai).
Key words: Disease - Prophylaxis - Pisces (incl. Clarias spp.)
113. Thonguthai, K. 1969.
Study on the growth rates of pla duk at different stocking densities.
In: Annual Report of the Bangkhen Fisheries Station, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand: 116–128. (in Thai).
Key words: Pond culture - Growth - Production - Densities -Feed
- Clarias batrachus.
114. Tongsangha, S. 1960.
Induced spawning of pla duk oui (Clarias macrocephalus) by hormone
injection. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 14(2): 145–162. (in Thai).
Key words: Controlled reproduction - Fry nursing - Clarias macrocephalus.
115. Tongsangha, S., Sidthimunka, A. and Menasveta, D. 1962.
Induced spawning of catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther) by
pituitary hormone injection. Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Council,
10(2): 205–213.
Key words: Controlled reproduction - Fry nursing - Clarias macrocephalus.
116. Toopbucha, W. and Benchakarn, M. 1973.
Study on the capture efficiency of gill nets in Ubol Ratana Reservoir.
In: Annual Report of the Ubol Ratana Fisheries Station, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand: 59–72. (in Thai).
Key words: Habitat - Pisces (incl. Clarias spp.).
117. Tungsinavisuitti, S., Ponnoi, S. and Ochan, T. 1976.
Economics of catfish and gouramy production in Suphanburi and Samutprakarn
provinces. Thai Fisheries Gazette, 29(3): 326–331. (in Thai with
English summary).
Key words: Pond culture systems - Economic analysis - Production -Clarias
batrachus - Helostoma teminchi.
118. Ukkatawewat, S. 1978.
Families of Thai freshwater fishes; identification key and description.
Technical Paper No. 6(1978), National Inland Fisheries Institute,
Department of Fisheries, Thailand, 98p (in Thai).
Key words: Systematics - Occurrence - Pisces (incl. Clarias spp.).
119. Ukkatawewat, S. 1979.
The taxonomic characters and biology of some important freshwater
fishes in Thailand. Technical Paper No. 3(1979), In: Annual Report
of the National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department of Fisheries,
Thailand: 25–26. (in Thai).
Key words: Key characteristics - Biology - Utilization - Pisces
(incl. Clarias spp.).
120. Ukkatawewat, S. 1980.
Families of economic fishes in Thailand. Technical Paper No. 5(1980),
In: Annual Report of the National Inland Fisheries Institute, Department
of Fisheries, Thailand: 123–124. (in Thai).
Key words: Systematics - Identification - Occurrence and distribution -Pisces
(incl. Clarias spp.).
121. Varikul, V. and Fedoruk, A. 1981.
Synopsis of the report “Production costs and incomes in Clarias
ponds culture, Bang Pla Ma District, Suphanburi Province”. FAO
Working Paper, Ref., THA/75/012/WP 14, 3p.
(See Anonymous. 1977, this bibliography)
Key words: Economic analysis - Grow-out production - Case studies -Grow-out
technology - Clarias batrachus.
122. Vanichkorn, P. 1957.
How to culture the catfish (Clarias). Fisheries News, 10(1): 39–49.
(in Thai).
Key words: Culture methods - Clarias batrachus.
123. Vanichkorn, P. 1962.
Culturing young pla duk (Clarias batrachus Linn.) in floating baskets.
Thai Fisheries Gazette, 15(3): 271–276. (in Thai).
Key words: Fingerling culture - Cage culture - Clarias batrachus.
124. Vanichkorn, P. 1964.
Culturing catfish (Clarias spp.). Extension Booklet, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand, 6p. (in Thai).
Key words: Culture guide - Clarias spp.
125. Vanichkorn, P. 1980.
Guidelines for rearing pla duk. Extension Booklet, Department of
Fisheries, Thailand, 12p. (in Thai).
Key words: Culture guide - Fry propogation - Feeds - Clarias spp.
126. Wattanutchariya, S. and Panayotou, T. 1981.
The economics of aquaculture; the case of catfish in Thailand.
Paper presented to Economics of Aquaculture Research Workshop,
IDRC/ICLARM, Singapore, 2–5 June 1981, 28p.
Key words: Clarias culture - Economic analysis - Production efficiency -Clarias
The Programme for the Development of Pond Management
Techniques and Disease Control
(DoF-UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)
THA/75/012/WP 1 | Report on Aquaculture Training Undertaken at the International Center for Aquaculture, Auburn University, U.S.A. Chanchai Sansrimahachai |
THA/75/012/WP 2 | Third Semi-Annual Report (Sept. 1/80-Feb. 28/81) of Progress on the “Programme for the Development of Pond Management Techniques and Disease Control (DoF-UNDP/FAO THA/75/012)”. Alex N. Fedoruk |
THA/75/012/WP 3 | Management in Clarias Culture, Thailand. James Muir |
THA/75/012/WP 4 | Collecting Clarias Fry from Natural Waters. Montree Muangboon |
THA/75/012/WP 5 | Preliminary List of Diseases of Cultured Clarias in Thailand. National Inland Fisheries Institute, Thailand and Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling, Scotland. |
THA/75/012/WP 6 | Electrophoretic Analysis of Tilapia from the Dusit Palace Stock, Thailand. Brendan McAndrew |
THA/75/012/WP 7 | Water Quality Conditions as Disease Related Stressors in Clarias Pond Culture. Vijai Srisuwantach, Rangsarn Soungchomphan and Pathipath Sae-Eng |
THA/75/012/WP 8 | Analysis of NIFI Clarias Diet No. 12. Albert J. Tacon and M. Beveridge |
THA/75/012/WP 9 | Summary of the Report “Raising Clarias Fry on an Artificial Diet”. Prasert Sitasit and Alex Fedoruk |
THA/75/012/WP 10 | A Management Perspective on Stress and Infectious Diseases in Clarias Farming. Alex N. Fedoruk |
THA/75/012/WP 11 | Feeds for Catfish (Clarias batrachus Linn.) Fry. Samran Dhamrongrat and Prasit Kasesunchi |
THA/75/012/WP 12 | Assessment of a Vitamin Mineral Premix in an Artificial Feed for Pla Duk Oui (Clarias macrocephalus) Fry. Krittiya Taechajanta and Prasert Sitasit |
THA/75/012/WP 13 | Management and Research Approaches in Clarias Culture, Thailand. B. Hepher |
THA/75/012/WP 14 | Synopsis of the Report "Production Costs and Incomes in Clarias Pond Culture, Bang Pla Ma District, Suphanburi Province. Vanich Varikul and Alex Fedoruk |
THA/75/012/WP 15 | Comparison of the Effects of Trash Fish and Pelleted Diets in Clarias Grow-Out Operations. Vijai Srisuwantach, Rangsarn Soungchomphan and Prasert Sitasit |
THA/75/012/WP 16 | Water Condition as Limiting Factors in Clarias Culture. John A. Colman and S. Chinabut |