Aquaculture development and research in sub-Saharan Africa Synthesis of national reviews and indicative action plan for research |
André G. Coche
Consultant, FAO/ECA
Rome, Italy
Boyd A. Haight
Senior Aquaculturist, FAO/ALCOM
Harare, Zimbabwe
Michel M.J. Vincke
Consultant, FAO/ECA
Koksyde, Belgium
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ISBN 92-5-103511-3
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The present document is the final version of the main document used as discussion paper at the Second Session of the Working Party on Aquaculture of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa (CIFA). The meeting - which took place in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 13 to 17 September 1993 - was made possible by the collaboration between the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Directorate General XII (Research) of the European Commission (EC) and the Fisheries Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This paper, based on twelve national reports which will subsequently be published as supplement, in addition to fulfilling the immediate purpose of updating the information on aquaculture development and research needs in the countries in Africa South of the Sahara, where the bulk of aquaculture products comes from, is also a contribution of the three sponsoring agencies to the follow-up of the Study on International Fisheries Research (SIFR), which is supported by the fisheries donor community.
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Coche, A.G., B. Haight and M. Vincke Aquaculture development and research in sub-Saharan Africa. Synthesis of national reviews and indicative action plan for research. CIFA Technical Paper. No. 23. Rome, FAO. 1994. 151 p. ABSTRACT This document is based on twelve national reports of the most important aquaculture countries in Africa South of the Sahara. It analyses the present situation of aquaculture development in terms of: its historical development, public sector involvement, support activities for development of the subsector and planning experiences, and briefly reviews the external assistance received for development projects. The research subsector is then analysed to verify the correspondence between its structure, programmes and plans and the identified needs for aquaculture development. Through a logical process for priority-ranking and for correspondence with the development objectives an indicative action plan emerges, including nine regional programmes which would assist in fostering aquaculture development in the short and medium terms through support to research. These research programmes, involving centres of the five agro-ecological regions of Africa South of the Sahara working as activity networks, include a project for aquaculture information centres in support of all other eight proposals. Other programmes include socio-economics, aquaculture production indicators, pond fertilization and feeding strategies, fish broodstock improvement and management, small water bodies fisheries enhancement, aquaculture in irrigation schemes, indigenous fish culture and marine aquaculture. |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, FAO 1994
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1.1.1 History of the development of aquaculture
1.1.2 Actual characteristics of the aquaculture sector
1.1.3 Physical resources
1.1.4 Human resources
1.1.5 Economic situation
1.2 Public Development. Infrastructure and Personnel
1.2.1 Public infrastructure
1.2.2 Administration and state farms personnel (excl. extension)
1.3 Support Activities for Aquaculture Development
1.3.1 Aquaculture extension
1.3.2 Aquaculture legislation
1.3.3 Aquaculture credit scheme
1.3.4 Aquaculture research
1.3.5 Miscellaneous support activities
1.4.1 Aquaculture priority status
1.4.2 Stability of the institutional framework
1.4.3 Administrative organization
1.4.4 Coordination of aquaculture activities
1.5 Aquaculture Education and Training
1.5.1 Specialized university curriculum
1.5.2 Specialized university courses
1.5.3 Specialized secondary education
1.5.4 Practical on-station training
1.6 Aquaculture Development Planning
1.7 Aquaculture Data Base
1.8 Aquaculture Development Evaluations
1.9 Aquaculture Development Projects
1.9.1 Origin of development projects
1.9.2 Objectives of development projects
1.9.3 Performance of development projects
1.10 Aquaculture Development Constraints
1.10.1 Development constraints in sub-Saharan Africa
1.10.2 Regional development constraints
1.11 Summary: The Aquaculture Development Sector
1.11.1 Main characteristics of the sector and actual trends
1.11.2 Physical and human resources - economic situation
1.11.3 Development infrastructure and personnel
1.11.4 Support activities and development evaluations
1.11.5 Institutional framework, planning and data base
1.11.6 Aquaculture education and training
1.11.7 Aquaculture development projects and technical assistance
1.11.8 Aquaculture development constraints
1.11.9 Personal considerations and comments
2.1 Description of the Research Sector
2.1.1 Participation
2.1.2 Definition of research objectives
2.1.3 General orientation of research
2.1.4 Available resources for research
2.2 Main Aquaculture Research Programmes
2.2.1 Immediate research objectives
2.2.2 Duration of research programmes
2.2.3 Distribution of research programmes
2.3 Institutional Framework for Aquaculture Research
2.3.1 Definition of research programmes
2.3.2 Fund raising
2.3.3 Utilization of research results
2.3.4 Research as development support
2.4 Collaboration Between Research and Production Sectors
2.4.1 Reasons for collaboration
2.4.2 Subjects of collaboration
2.4.3 Mechanisms of collaboration
2.5 Results of Main Aquaculture Research Programmes
2.6 Summary: The Aquaculture Research Sector
2.6.1 Description of the research sector
2.6.2 Main aquaculture research programme
2.6.3 Institutional framework of research
2.6.4 Collaboration between research and production sectors
2.6.5 Results of main research programmes
2.6.6 Personal considerations and comments
3.1 Aquaculture Development Priorities
3.1.1 Identification of the priorities
3.1.2 Priority subjects
3.1.3 Type of priorities
3.1.4 Implementation responsibility
3.1.5 Requested assistance for implementation of development priorities
3.1.6 Relative importance of the priorities
3.2 Aquaculture Research Priorities
3.2.1 Identification of the priorities
3.2.2 Priority research subjects
3.2.3 Type of priorities
3.2.4 Implementation responsibility
3.2.5 Requested assistance for priorities implementation
3.2.6 Relative importance of the priorities
3.3 Personal Comments and Considerations
3.3.1 Development priorities
3.3.2 Research priorities
2.1 Approach to Designing Programmes
2.2 Programme Classification
2.3 Prioritization
2.4 Programme Interactions
2.5 Links with Other Institutions
3.1 Research Programmes Framework
3.2 Activation of Each Research Programme
3.2.1 Donors' meeting: interest and/or financing
3.2.2 Preparatory phase
3.2.3 Implementation phase
Aquaculture Information Centres
Socio-economics of Aquaculture Production and Target Groups
Production Indicators for Aquaculture
Pond Fertilization and Fish Feeds
Organic fertilization strategies
Supplementary feeds and feeding strategies
Integration of fish and livestock productions
Fish Broodstock Improvement and Management
Small Water Body Fisheries Enhancement
Aquaculture in Irrigation Schemes
Indigenous Fish Species Culture
Marine Aquaculture
Annex 1 Potential coordination mechanisms for aquaculture research/development in sub-Saharan Africa
2 Public development infrastructure, personnel and support activities
3 Institutional framework, education/training, planning, statistics and evaluations
4 Main aquaculture development projects - West Africa
5 Main aquaculture development projects - Central Africa
6 Main aquaculture development projects - East Africa
7 Main aquaculture development projects - Southern Africa (URT and MLW)
8 Main aquaculture development projects - Southern Africa (ZAM and ZIM)
9 Aquaculture development constraints
10 Research sector: Participation, objectives, definition and orientation
11 Research sector: Resources available
12 Main aquaculture research programmes - West and Central Africa
13 Main aquaculture research programmes - East and Southern Africa
14 Main aquaculture research programmes - Southern Africa (ZAM and ZIM)
15 Research institutional framework and contributions to development
16 Results of main research programmes - West and Central Africa
17 Results of main research programmes - East and Southern Africa
18 Results of main research programmes - Southern Africa (ZAM, ZIM)
19 Aquaculture development priorities - West Africa
20 Aquaculture development priorities - Central Africa
21 Aquaculture development priorities - East Africa
22 Aquaculture development priorities - Southern Africa
23 Aquaculture research priorities in West Africa
24 Aquaculture research priorities in Central Africa
25 Aquaculture research priorities in East Africa
26 Aquaculture research priorities in Southern Africa (URT and MLW)
27 Aquaculture research priorities in Southern Africa (ZAM and ZIM)
(a) Currencies (1993)
FCFA | Franc CFA | 1 USD = 270 FCFA |
FMG | Franc malgache | 1 USD = 1930 FMG |
FRW | Franc rwandais | 1 USD = 140 FRW |
NIN | Nigerian Naira | 1 USD = 26 NIN |
(b) Countries (see also Table 1)
BUR | Burundi | SEN | Senegal |
GHA | Ghana | UGA | Uganda |
NAM | Namibia | ZAI | Zaire |
(c) Institutions/Agencies
ADB | African Development Bank, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire |
ADF | African Development Fund |
AFVP | Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès, France |
AGCD | General Administration for Cooperation/Development, Belgium |
CCCE | Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economique, France (see CFD) |
CFD | Caisse Française de Développement, France (ex-CCCE) |
CIFA | Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa, FAO Regional Body, Rome/Accra |
CIRAD | Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche agronomique, France |
CRO | Centre de Recherche Océanologique, Côte d'Ivoire |
CRSP | Collaborative Research Support Program, Corvallis, Oregon, USA |
EC | European Commission, Brussels, Belgium |
ECA | Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
EDF | European Development Fund, Brussels, Belgium |
FAC | Fonds d'Aide et de Coopération, Paris, France |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Rome, Italy |
GTZ | Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German technical assistance), Germany |
ICARA | International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa |
ICLARM | International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines |
IDESSA | Institut des Savanes, Bouake, Côte d'Ivoire |
IDRC | International Development/Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy |
IFS | International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden |
JICA | Japan International Cooperation Agency, Tokyo, Japan |
KUL | Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
MCAC | Mission de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle, France |
NORAD | Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Oslo, Norway |
ODA | Overseas Development Administration, London, UK |
ORSTOM | Office de la Recherche Scientifique dans les Territoires d'Outre-Mer, Paris, France |
OSRO | Office for Special Relief Operations |
PCV | Peace Corps Volunteers, Washington, USA |
SEPIA | Société d'Etude et de Promotion de l'Ingénierie Aquacole, France |
SIDA | Swedish International Development Authority, Stockholm, Sweden |
TCP | Technical Cooperation Programme, FAO, Rome, Italy |
TIF | Tilapia International Foundation, Brussels, Belgium |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commission for Refugees |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
VSO | Volunteer Service Overseas, London, UK |
WFP | World Food Programme, Rome, Italy |
(d) Economic groupings (See Annex 1)
CEAO | Communauté Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest |
CEEAC | Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale |
CEPGL | Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs |
CILSS | Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
PTA | Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States |
SADC | Southern African Development Community |
UDEAC | Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale |
(e) Miscellaneous
avg | average |
BW | brackish water |
eq | equivalent |
FW | fresh water |
Govt | government |
l.s. | large scale |
ltd | limited |
MW | marine water |
NGO | non-governmental organization |
SIFR | Study on International Fisheries Research (1989–1993) |
Strategy for International Fisheries Research (from 1993) | |
s.s. | small scale |
SWB | small water bodies |