Rome, 26-30 March 2001, Red
1. In 1999, the 15th Session of COAG recommended that an interdisciplinary
and inter-departmental group be established on urban and periurban agriculture (UPA). In
response, an Interdepartmental Working Group on Food for the Cities (IDWG-FFC) was
established which incorporated technical units involved in the two domains of UPA and Food
Supply and Distribution to Cities, to enable the evolution of a fully integrated and
coherent programme of work.
2. The Group operates with sub-groups for these technical issues and is addressing
activities aimed at providing linkages and developing synergies among FAO units working on
urban food security and urban food systems, and linkages between urban and rural food
production and distribution. "Food for the Cities" was declared a Priority Area
for Inter-Disciplinary Action in the Medium-Term Plan and it was recommended that the
IDWG-FFC accept a coordinating role. Focal Points for FFC and UPA for external and
internal communication were appointed. An information facility on FFC was developed at
FAO, including a web site containing information on FAO areas of expertise related to FFC
and links to partner organizations.
The major activities undertaken under the two sub-groups are:
- Sub-group: Urban and Periurban Agriculture
- Support to the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) to establish urban and
periurban sites;
- Sponsorship of information seminars with global experts on FFC;
- Conference jointly sponsored by FAO-RAF and the International Board of Soil Research and
management (IBSRAM) on periurban nutrient recycling with publication of proceedings;
- Electronic conference jointly organized by FAO and ETC-Netherlands on "Putting UPA
on the Policy Agenda," translated into three languages and with more than 500
- Technical advice for the development of a Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Initiatives on UPA and participation in launching a research
site in Hanoi, Vietnam;
- Participation on steering committees of international bodies dealing with UPA, including
the International Support Group on Urban Agriculture and the Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Strategic Initiative on Urban and Periurban
- Leadership in the management of the International Workshop on UPA in Havana, Cuba,
"Growing Cities, Growing Food" (October 1999), and authorship of a book chapter
in proceedings of the workshop;
- Participation in the International Conference on UPA and Planning in Berlin, Germany,
and presentation of the paper on Indicators for Sustainable Urban Agriculture, June 2000.
- Sub-group: Food Supply and Distribution to Cities
- Information and awareness raising activities
- Regional Seminar on "Feeding Asian Cities", Bangkok (2000), co-organized by
the Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements, the
Association of Food Marketing Agencies for Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with the
International Union of Local Authorities for Asia and the Pacific, the German Agency for
Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the Foreign Affairs Ministry of France, UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank
Urban Management Programme for Asia and the World Union of Wholesale Markets. Web site
developed (
The seminar is an interdisciplinary event and draws together various themes such as food
production at urban, periurban and rural level, food contamination, urban food
distribution, health and environmental aspects, extension services, livestock and fish
product marketing, etc.
- Technical papers on "Urban Food Supply and Distribution to Cities" presented
to the "Third Congress of the Americas of Municipalities and Healthy
Communities", Medellin, Colombia (1999); 34th World Congress of the
International Union of Local Authorities, Barcelona, Spain (1999); Regional Workshop:
"The Food Chain in Sub-Saharan Africa - Linking Farmers to Markets" Bamako, Mali
(1999); Regional Seminar: "Urban Agriculture in the Latin American Cities in the
XXIst Century" organized by the UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank "Urban Management
Programme for Latin America" (2000); Regional meeting of Healthy Cities of the Near
and Middle East, Isfahan, Iran (2000).
- Technical paper on "Urban Food Supply and Distribution Policies" presented at
the technical workshops: "Policy and Strategy for Sustainable Household Food
Security", Islamabad, Pakistan (2000); "Urban Food Supply and Distribution
Policy to Greater Amman", Amman, Jordan (2000); "Urban Food Supply and
Distribution Policy to Isfahan" Isfahan, Iran (2000).
- Technical papers on "Food Supply and Distribution to Cities" presented to
workshops in Santiago de los Caballeros, Lima, Quito, Hanoi, Colombo, Amman, Lahore and
Bamako (1999 and 2000).
- Development of electronic publication collection "Food into Cities".
- Web site on "Food Supply and Distribution to Cities" ( and
distribution of a CD-Rom copy to members of the informal network "Food into Cities".
- Information and technical materials
- "Feeding the Cities: Food Supply and Distribution" for publication by
the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI);
- Ongoing discussions with Habitat-HQs on strengthening collaboration to include food
supply and distribution activities into Habitat's Urban management programmes;
- "Food Supply and Distribution to Cities" for an electronic UNESCO
encyclopaedia (in progress);
- "Food for the Cities. Food Supply and Distribution Policies to Reduce Urban Food
Insecurity" - A Guide for Mayors, City Managers and Urban Planners;
- "Food Supply and Distribution to Cities in Developing Countries". A
Guide for Urban Planners and Managers;
- Database on urban consumption in developing countries;
- Photo library related to food supply and distribution in developing countries.
- Technical assistance to specific cities
- Preparation of project documents on "Urban Food Security" in Greater Amman,
Lahore, Hanoi, various cities in Latin America and around the Mediterranea;
- Technical assistance to URBAL-5 "Social Policy" Network for the formulation of
a regional project on "Urban Food Security to Latin American Cities" to be
submitted to the European Commission for funding;
- TCP/JOR/8923 "Urban Food Security in the City of Greater Amman".
- Other activities
- Letter of agreement for collaboration on "Food Supply and Distribution to
Mediterranean Cities" between the Mediterranean Institute of Post-graduate
Agricultural Studies of Montpellier and FAO;
- Collaboration with Regional Programmes: Urban Management (UNCHS/UNDP/World Bank) for
Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Asia and the Pacific, and Healthy Cities in the
Near East as well as Latin America (WHO);
- Contacts with sponsors and donors to support normative and field activities in the area
of "Food Supply and Distribution to Cities";
- Questionnaire to selected municipalities in developing countries for an assessment of
the informal food sector.