Report of the Preparatory Meeting for the Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators
Malaysia Room, FAO Headquarters, 27 February 2001
Report of the Preparatory Meeting for the Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators
Provisional Agenda
List of Participants
The meeting was held in FAO Headquarters on 27 February 2001. All members of the G-81 were represented, except Russia. Representatives of the European Community were also present. The list of participants is attached as Annex 2.
The meeting was held at the joint invitation by FAO and WHO which were represented by Mrs. Anne Kern, Executive Director, Sustainable Development and Health Environments of WHO, and Mr. Hartwig de Haen, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Department of FAO. Mr. de Haen provided the participants with the meeting background in reference to the G8 Summit in Okinawa. The convenience/feasibility of holding regular global fora of food safety regulators was the main objective of the meeting.
The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Hartwig de Haen and Mrs. Anne Kern. It approved the provisional agenda (see Annex 1) without change.
The main outcome of the meeting is summarised below.
1. Proposed Concept of Global Fora of Food Safety Regulators
The Meeting reviewed document PM/02, prepared by FAO and WHO on this item. Participants concurred that the proposal to convene global fora of food safety regulators, as described in the background note, was desirable, feasible and timely.
The Meeting developed a consensus on the focus and purpose of such fora. These were defined as an exchange of information and experience acquired by countries on ways of dealing with food safety issues, methods of risk management and communication, information and rapid alert systems. The agendas of such fora should be clearly separated from activities of Codex Alimentarius; they should complement or support, but not duplicate, those of other meetings. It was further agreed that the global food safety fora would not make decisions, but exchange information, describe alternative options, share and learn from national experiences and seek mutual understanding on issues and response strategies with regard to food safety problems of common concern. While focussing on national approaches to food safety issues the fora would seek to identify a global perspective in coping with certain risks, including crisis management and prevention policies and measures,.
2. Preparatory Meeting for a First Global Forum
The Meeting strongly recommended that another Preparatory Meeting be organised in Italy during the second week of May 2001, with the participation of representatives of all regions of the world, with 2-4 countries per region in addition to G-8 Members, in total not more than 30 countries. This second preparatory meeting would address details of the first Global Forum including agenda, participation, papers to be prepared, budget, etc. With regard to the selection of participating countries, FAO and WHO indicated that they would request their respective Regional Groups to propose two countries per region to be invited to the Preparatory Meeting. Only government officials will be invited to this meeting.
3. Arrangements for the First Forum
The Meeting recommended that the first Global Forum be held in a developing country/country in transition. It requested FAO and WHO to explore possibilities, taking into account, among other factors, international transportation convenience and suitability of meeting facilities, and to present a concrete proposal at the Preparatory Meeting.
Because of the importance of the subject matter, the Meeting recommended that the first Global Forum be held in October 2001. The exact timing would be decided at the Preparatory Meeting, in consultation with the prospective host government. The eventual host country should naturally be invited to attend the Preparatory Meeting. The Meeting took note that some of the ASEAN countries which could potentially host the Forum might not be available in the month of October due to an accumulation of other meetings in that period.
Concerning the length of the Forum, the Meeting discussed that the Global Forum might have a duration of 2 to 3 days. The details would be decided at the Preparatory Meeting taking into account the Forum agenda/content.
The Meeting recommended that these should be senior government officials involved in food safety/food control activities and in food safety risk management from all member countries of FAO and WHO, representatives of relevant international organizations and of INGOs.
It was recommended that, at least for the first Global Forum, the six official languages of FAO and WHO (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) be used.
The Meeting felt that a formal reporting of the Forum to another Body or Organization would not be desirable. It was suggested that a Summary Report followed by a publication of the proceedings would be appropriate.
There was a general agreement that extra-budgetary support was needed to enable FAO and WHO to convene the Preparatory Meeting and the first Global Forum, and that all Members of the G-7 should contribute to this effort. The Italian Delegation indicated that Italy could consider to fund the May 2001 Preparatory Meeting. As regards the first Global Forum, FAO and WHO were asked to elaborate a revised budget estimate and to submit it to the G-7 members as soon as possible with the aim to have a commitment prior to the May 2001 meeting.
The delegation of Japan informed that Japan might find it difficult to mobilize funds if the Forum was to be held within their next budget year (April to March).
4. First Global Forum's Themes/Topics
The four themes proposed by FAO/WHO were discussed and found generally acceptable. They include:
- Experiences in reduction of food-borne hazards
- A global food safety emergency communications network
- Precaution in risk management
- Consumer information and participation
The Meeting agreed that the input of developing countries is vital to the development of a meaningful agenda. The Meeting agreed that the Forum is intended to complement, rather than duplicate, the work of Codex and that this must be taken into account in agenda development. It proposed that a more extensive list of potential themes should be prepared by the Secretariat as a starting point for consideration by participants at the May 2001 Preparatory Meeting. This list should include subjects/themes of interest to developing member countries. Additional potential agenda items were: interactions between food safety risk assessors and risk managers, food safety enforcement, emerging foodborne illnesses, new inspection models; and experiences with the implementation of Codex guidelines and standards. It was agreed that each possible agenda item should be communicated with an explanation of why it could be considered.Concern was expressed that to focus on controversial or sensitive topics on the agenda of the first Forum could unnessarily detract from its usefulness.
Preparatory meeting for the Global Fora of Food Safety Regulators
Malaysia Room (B227), FAO Headquarters
0930 hours, 27 February 2001
Provisional Agenda
Welcoming remarks
- The proposed concept of Global Fora of Food Safety Regulators
- The arrangements for the first Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators
- Proposed Agenda of the first Global Forum
- Venue and Date
- Participants
- Reporting
- Funding of the Global Fora
- Other matters
Preparatory meeting for the Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators Malaysia Room (B227), FAO Headquarters 0930 hours, 27 February 2001
List of Participants
Canada |
Mr Paul Haddow
Executive Director
International Affairs
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Tel. No. 613.225.2342 X 4203
Fax. No. 613.228.6634
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr G. Orriss
Bureau of Food Safety and Consumer Protection
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Tel. No. 613.225.2342 Ext. 3795
Fax. No. 613.228.6611
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Marc Le Maguer
Food Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
Tel. No. 613.957.1821
Fax. No. 613.957.1784
E-mail: [email protected] |
Mr R. Burke
Bureau of Food Regulatory International and Interagency Affairs
Food Directorate
Health Canada
Tel. No. 613.957.1748
Fax. No. 613.941.3537
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms Josee Nadon
Senior Adviser
Food Directorate
Bureau of Food Regulatory International and Interagency Affairs
Health Canada
Tel. No. 613.957.8917
Fax. No. 613.941.3537
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Peter Pauker
Policy Analyst-Food Safety
Strategic Policy Branch
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
Francia |
M. Michel Thibier
Représentant permanent Adjoint, Conseiller
Représentation permanente de la France
auprès de l’OAA
Corso del Rinascimento 52
00186 Rome
Tel. No.
Fax. No.
E-mail: [email protected]
Mme Catherine Rogy
Chef du Secteur des accords multilatéraux
sanitaires e phytosanitaires
Direction générale de l’alimentation
Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche
Tel. No. 33.1.4955.8486
Fax. No. 33.1.4955.4462
E-mail: [email protected] |
M. Aristide Sun
Chargé de mission
Direction générale de la concurrence, de
la concurrence, de la consommation et de la
répression des fraudes
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances
Tel. No. 33.1.4497.2963
Fax. No. 33.1.4497.3036
E-mail: [email protected] |
Italia |
Dr Guglielmo Riva
General Directorate of Cooperation for Development
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel. No. 39.06.3691.8177
Fax. No. 39.06.320.8107
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Pier Giuseppe Facelli
Department of Food, Nutrition and Veterinary Public Health
Ministry of Health
Tel. No. 39.06.3691.8177
Fax. No. 39.06.320.8107
E-mail: [email protected] |
Dr Pier Giuseppe Picotto
Department of Food, Nutrition and Veterinary Public Health
Ministry of Health
Fax. No. 39.06.5994.3555
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr A. Onorati
Head of International Relations
Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture - MIPAF
Tel. No. 39.06.482.4539
E-mail: [email protected]
Alemania |
Dr Hans Dieter Böhm
Head of Division
Division of Food Hygiene and Food Trade
Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture
Tel. No. 49.228.941.4220
Fax. No. 49.228.941.4944
E-mail: [email protected] |
Japon |
Mr Masaki Arai
Assistant Director
Developing Economies Division
Economic Affairs Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dr Tomoaki Imamura M.D. PH.D.
Deputy Director
Policy Planning Division
Department of Food Sanitation
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Mr Tomio Suzuki
Deputy Director
Consumers Life Division
General Food Policy Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
Tel. No. 81.3.3502.5722
Fax. No. 81.3.3502.0438
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Noriyoshi Ojima
Assistant Director
International Economic Affairs Bureau
General Food Policy Bureau
Tel. No. 81.3.3502.3408
Fax. No. 81.3.3502.0735
E-mail: [email protected] |
Ms Yasuko Taniguchi
Assistant Director
Animal Health Division
Livestock Industry Department
Agricultural Production Bureau
Tel. No. 81.3.3502.8111 (Ext. 4059)
Fax. No. 81.3.3508.2546
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Masato Ito
Embassy of Japan
Permanent Representative of Japan to FAO
Tel. No. 39.06.487.99410
Fax. No. 39.06.488.5109
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Hideya Yamada
First Secretary
Embassy of Japan
Alternate Permanent Representative of Japan to FAO
Tel. No. 39.06.487.99412
Fax. No. 39.06.488.5109
E-mail: [email protected] |
United Kingdom
Reino Unido |
Mr Nick Tomlinson
Novel Foods Division
Food Standards Agency
Ergon House, PO Box 31037
Horseferry Road
London SW1P 3WG
Tel. No: 44-207-238.6377
Fax No.: 44-207-238.6382
E-mail: [email protected] |
United States of America
Etats-Unis d’Amérique
Estados Unidos de América |
Mr Mark Manis
Senior Officer for International Food Safety Coordination
Food Safety and Inspection Service
US Department of Agriculture
Washington D.C.
Tel. No. 1.202.720.6415
Fax. No. 1.202.720.7990
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Cathy Carnevale
Office of Constituent Operations
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food and Drug Administration
Washington D.C.
Tel. No.
Fax. No.
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Richard White
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Affairs
Washington D.C.
Tel. No. 1.202.395.9582
Fax. No. 1.202.395.4579
E-mail: [email protected] |
Ms Marilyn Veek
Associate Director
International Relations Staff
Office of International Programs
Rockville, MD 20857
Tel. No. 1.301.826.0906
Fax. No. 1.301.827.0003
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr David P. Lambert
Agricultural Counsellor
United States Mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations
Ms Lucy Tamlyn
Alternate Permanent Representative
United States Mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome |
European Community
Communauté européen
Comunidad européa |
Mr A. Checchi-Lang
Health and Consumer Protection Dir. General
Directorate for Food Safety: Plant Health,
Animal Health and Welfare - International Questions
Tel. No.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms V. du Marteau
Permanent Representative of the European
Community to FAO
Delegation of the European Commission to
Via IV Novembre 149
00187 Rome
Tel. No. 39.06.679.3755
Fax. No. 39.06.679.7830
E-mail: [email protected] |
Mr A. Byrne
Alternate Permanent Representative of the European Community
to FAO
Delegation of the European Commission to FAO
Via IV Novembre 149
00187 Rome
Tel. No. 39.06.679.3755
Fax. No. 39.06.679.7830
E-mail: [email protected] |
World Health Organization |
Ms Anne Kern
Executive Director
Sustainable Development and Health Environments
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Dr Jorgen Schlundt
Food Safety Unit
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Dr Y. Sahara
Food Safety Unit
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Switzerland |
Mr Dean Mahoney
Food Safety Unit
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Dr Monica Brown-Reid
Food Safety Unit
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Switzerland |
Mr H. de Haen
Assistant Director-General
Economic and Social Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr K. Tontisirin
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr E. Boutrif
Food Quality and Standards Service
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr A.W. Randell
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Mr G. Pucci
Legal Counsel
Legal Office
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr N.A. Van der Graaff
Plant Protection Service
Secretary International Plant Protection Convention
Plant Production and Protection Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Italy |
Ms M.L.Costarrica
Senior Officer
Food Quality Liaison Group
Food Quality and Standards Service
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr Maya Piñeiro
Nutrition Officer
Food Quality and Consumer Protection Group
Food Quality and Standards Service
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr Sarah Cahill
Associate Professional Officer
Food Quality and Consumer Protection Group
Food Quality and Standards Service
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Ms Catherine Bessy
Associate Professional Officer
Food Quality and Consumer Protection Group
Food Quality and Standards Service
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Dr Niek Schelling
Food Safety and Quality Expert
Food Quality and Standards Service
Food and Nutrition Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome