
Training for agricultural and rural development 1997-98

Author: Loy Van Crowder (ed)
Year: 1998
Language: English


Participatory curriculum development for agricultural education and training: experiences from Viet Nam and South Africa

From margin to mainstream: revitalization of agricultural extension curricula in universities and colleges in sub-Saharan
Africa M. Zinnah, R. Steele and D. Mattocks

Listening to farmers: communication for participation and change in Latin America
S. Balit

A micro-basin approach to extension and training: experiences in Latin American
E. Zaffaroni

Developing sustainable agricultural technologies with rural women in Jamaica: a participatory media approach
M. Protz

Female agricultural extension agents in El Salvador and Honduras: do they have an impact?
G. Truitt

How gender analysis can facilitate client-oriented extension planning: a case from Ethiopia
R. Percy

Institutional and policy reform of rural extension in China during the transition towards a market economy
L. Yonggong

Preparing and upgrading the extension workforce: a comparative analysis of higher agricultural education in Honduras, Malaysia, Nigeria and Peru
W. Rivera

Environmental education training: best practices and lessons learned from experiences in six Asian countries
R. Adhikarya

Biological diversity in agro-ecosystems: teaching and learning for decision-making
R. van Haarlem

The Village Concept project in Ghana: international students helping to improve rural living conditions
G. Andrian

Professional research and knowledge bases for non-formal rural youth programmes
M. K. Munson